Part 142: Mirko Meets Ujiko

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After Shine's visit, nothing really happened in the LOV for a few days. 

Shigaraki was moodier than ever, and the others left him alone with it.

Other than going out to get food, they all laid low. They were in even more fear and dread now that they knew the truth about Kurogiri's nature.

Medea snuck out to go to UA, but that was about it.

Even Mirko was acting pretty down for her...and she looked tired, like she wasn't sleeping right. (The truth was, she was barely sleeping at all, but she wouldn't have told anyone that.)

She couldn't get what Shine had revealed out of her head.

Neither could Shigaraki, though he told himself it wasn't really bothering him. So what, even if it were true? What did it change?

Deep down, even he knew Shine was not a liar, and that she was not a traitor. He had enough proof of that. Though he wasn't one to care about facts and evidence, in this case, it was irrefutable.

And since he couldn't make that compute with his knowledge of AFO, he could only decide it wasn't worth thinking about, or perhaps there was just some mistake in the whole thing.

One early morning, about 3 days after the visit, he was just sitting in the downstairs room, as he did, and staring into space, not thinking about it all.

Mirko came into the room and looked displeased to see anyone else there. "Oh...thought no one was up."

No answer. Maybe she'd go away if he ignored her. (Thus far Shigaraki had gotten in the vain hope people have with annoyances).

Mirko, not getting a response, took that as an invitation to continue with what she'd been doing.

No kitchen at this lair, but they'd set up some kind of travel stove that Compress carried around in his collection of tools and used it to heat up instant food or coffee.

After making some espresso, Mirko peered back into the main area. Shigaraki was still sitting there.

Was this a good time to ask about it all? She wasn't likely to get any answer though. Err, how did Shine get people to talk?

Maybe she should try backing into it from somewhere else.

Not being really good at starting a normal conversation, Mirko did the first thing that came into her head.

"Want any?" She held up the espresso.

At least that got a response-- a weirded out look. "Why would I want that?"

"Uh...I don't know-- long night?" Mirko said, then defensively, "There's too much in here for one person. Why waste it? You know how expensive this stuff is?"

"Well, I don't drink coffee, so throw it out." Rudely.

Okay, now she was pissed off.

She poured it anyway and set it down very loudly in front of him. "Try it."


"Your attitude really pisses me off," Mirko frowned, "Negative all the time."

"And you're obnoxious, loud, and intrusive!"

"You forgot stubborn." Mirko didn't even bother arguing the point. "Come on, you look half dead all the time anyway. Maybe a little caffeine would do the trick."

"Master says coffee causes cancer," Shigaraki said.

Mirko rolled her eyes. "One espresso wouldn't hurt."

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