Part 174: Kayla's tail

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Back on the mainland, a lot of information awaited them.

Intelli came to pick Ren up. He actually had a car. And he told them all more news.

"Endeavor's squad didn't do well," he said, "The Metas sent reinforcements, but the thing is, I can't figure out how they knew to do it so fast. Until I realized, it wasn't just them."

"What?" Ren said.

Intelli showed them some security footage he'd hacked from the Metas' transport site.

"Look at this."

Some of the cameras had picked up dark clad figures lurking around the scene. The camera had been taken out shortly thereafter.

"Ninja..." Mirko's ears went back. "What were they doing there?"

"From all I've heard about them...I don't know," Intelli said, "Do they have a reason to be involved?"

The group exchanged looks.

Suddenly, Kayla laughed.

They all turned to look at her...and they frowned suspiciously.

She was handcuffed, but she still smirked smugly. "You all are so easily fooled."

"You..." Mirko lunged at her. Hawks held her back. "You're one of them!?"

"You thought I would have cooperated with you if I was a Meta?" Kayla snorted, "Please, they'd rather take cyanide than betray their precious, despicable cause."

 She tossed her hair. "I let you invade the island. We were watching those transport sites too... I knew something was up when the guard mentioned all getting confused. And those attacks? It could only be one person." She looked right at Shine.

Then she looked at Mirko. "The Originals knew you'd all be of use to us."

"If that's true," Ren pulled out a weapon casually, "why are you telling us this now?"

Kayla's smile faded. "I've seen your power, and I heard stories from the other times... I may work for the Originals, but I'm not stupid." She tilted her head. "They wanted to pit the heroes and Metas against each other, let you or them clean each other out. They don't care which happens first. But, after I saw how you operated, I wasn't so sure that would work. Taking down their whole network? That was an impressive plan." She shrugged. "And you don't kill, so I know you won't kill me."

"We'll just see about that--" Shigaraki began.

Shine stuck out her sword and held him back.

"What do you want, then?" she said.

Kayla held up her hands. "Release me first."

They all looked at each other.

"Look, I'm faster than her," Wally said, "Unless she has a bomb or something--which Ren would be able to sense, I bet--she can't do anything. She's quirkless."

"Actually, I'm not quirkless," Kayla said, "but I can't use my quirk out of water, if that helps."

Ren made a motion. Her cuffs unlocked.

"What do you want?" he repeated the question.

Kayla rubbed her wrists. "The Originals don't know I'm not quirkless yet, most of them. I can hide it pretty well... I agree with them about quirks, but that city business with the nomu, it was a little much...but you stopped it. You have heroes and villains working together." She looked at Shine and Wally. "I can't just leave the Originals. You don't just leave them. We took the girl with the vines."

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