Part 57: Two ultimatums

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The LOV was angered at how their little stunt with the Vamp had gone.

"Find a guy who can stay on target and not take such stupid, unnecessary risks!" Shigaraki said to Dabi angrily.

"It's not my fault he was an idiot," Dabi shrugged.

"Well, get a better guy!" Shigaraki snapped.

"I could just off Chicken Man myself," Dabi suggested.

"If you do it, you'll get more attention from the Pros. You're too recognizable. We don't need even more people looking for you," Shigaraki snapped.

"Are we not going to talk about the other problem?" Compress held up his hand. "That woman showing up at such a bad time nearly cost us our escape."

"Seems to me if Dabi didn't try to chit chat, it wouldn't have mattered," Spinner said snippily, "Perhaps he has a soft spot for the wench."

Dabi gave him a warning look. "Maybe she just got to you, Lizard Man."

"Stop calling me that, you burnt potato!" Spinner shot back.

"Oh, wow, that one hurt," Dabi said stoically.

"Both of you cut it out," Shigaraki grumbled, "If you weren't necessary, I'd kill every last one of you."

"Wow, I'm touched." Dabi seemed to be trying to get himself punched today.

But Shigaraki ignored him. He was nervously scratching.

"Perhaps it's time to just eliminate her-- and that foolish deal," Compress said, "We're not benefiting from anything about it. The students may even have figured it out. They'll tell the Pros, and one way or another they'll find us. I'm concerned about the body guard, but perhaps Dabi can convince her to meet without him. Perhaps, he could pretend to be warming up to her... and then we drop the curtains for Likstar."

"Oh, come on, she'd never believe that," Dabi said, "She didn't believe I was helping Hawks for a second. Whether you like it or not, the b--- isn't stupid, just nutty."

"Very nutty," Spinner said.

"Like you're one to talk, Donnie," Dabi said snarkily.

Shigaraki muttered, "Perhaps it is time to eliminate her... and maybe a few kids while we're at it, just to really make an impression. Finally get that troublesome school closed down."

"Perhaps, but if they all leave, it'll be harder to target them," Compress said.

"We won't have any reason to target the kids if the school isn't backing them up," Shigaraki said, "They won't be any threat on their own. They're just little brats."

"Well, those little brats have almost caught a few of us once or twice," Dabi said, "I wouldn't underestimate them. And it was because we kidnapped that one twerp that we almost got busted before. Is messing with UA even smart with the numbers we have now?"

"That is why this plan is the perfect opportunity," Shigaraki said. He straightened. "Yes, time to eliminate that nuisance once and for all. No more of these foolish notions to distract us."

"You were finding it distracting?" Spinner said with some surprise.

"Of course not, you dolt! I meant the rest of you!" Shigaraki snapped, "Dabi is clearly having too much fun with it. He won't do what needs to be done."

"Hey, I'll do whatever I need to achieve my goals!" Dabi said in a deadly tone.

"Good, then use our contact at UA to set a trap," Shigaraki said coldly.

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