Part 171: Intelli's life hacks

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While the Fire Duo was doing this, the group outside had made their way to the shore line again.

Momo spotted the Metas guarding the little land bridge.

"This is like Serpent's pass from Avatar," Wally said.

"If a serpent pops out of that water, I'm blaming you for activating a trope." Shine said.

[Meta jokes, lol.]

"I can't really tell what their quirks are," Momo said, "but there's four or five of them, and they're... I think one just saw us." She backed up.

"Well, they'd be expecting us, wouldn't they?" Shine said, "But that's fine. This is where subtlety is out. Everyone, my plan is from this point onward, forget sneaking around. We're attacking, full force."

"How?" Shoto said.

"Like this!" Bakugo yelled, launching himself forward at the bridge.

"Pretty much..." Shine said, "Gosh, I love him."

"He's growing on me," Wally said weakly.

* * *

Silk and Compress were getting tired dodging the Metas inside the fortress. How many could there be?

"You know, I didn't really thank you for the save earlier," Silk said.

"Oh, that's okay," Compress said, "You can thank me later."

Silk smiled slyly. "Yeah."


"But on a different note," Compress said, "we're so fricked..."

"Don't start talking like a normal person now. It makes me nervous," Silk said, "I begin to feel like we really are doomed."

"Sorry, but it's hard to make light of this particular situation. I mean, how do I work with underground death fortress?" Compress said.

"We literally storm castle. You can't work with that?" Silk said.

"Well, if you put it that way..." Compress began.

Silk suddenly covered his mouth. "Shh, I hear something..."

They put out the light (Compress carried a flashlight, naturally).

Some people were coming. They were close now, so the two stealthy villains thought it might be best to just sneak around behind them and seal off the tunnel.

The Metas were talking.

"I don't hear anyone..." said one.

"Well, I'm tired of looking for them anyway. What are four people going to do anyway? They have nowhere to go but the island, and there's more of us there. I don't see why we're panicking," grumbled the other. It was two men.

"Didn't you hear? There've been four attacks today already," the first said, conspiratorially.

"What? Really?"

"They don't tell you anything, Triclops? Yeah, four. And there were heroes there...but I heard there's villains too, at least on the island. We're looking for one, but I hear there was more. All from the LOV."

"The LOV? Aren't they down to the single digits, number-wise now? Those d----d ninja were after them, weren't they?

They knew about that? Compress thought.

"Yeah, well, I hear that they were getting help from some weird, new people, different powers," said the first, "I can't tell you exactly who. No one seems to know, but it's pretty creepy. I hear they can just disappear without a trace when cops show up."

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