Part 64: Midnight and 13 take Shine to a bar

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While everyone made a huge fuss at the dorms when Bakugo and Momo got back (and Camie got texted non stop by her class because she was on TV), Shoto had to look forward to an unpleasant conversation with his dad.

He kind of expected Endeavor to yell at him for getting into this situation yet again...but what actually happened almost made him feel more unnerved.

Not the Endeavor was mean to him-- it was that he wasn't, at all. He just kept asking more and more detailed questions about what happened the whole limo ride home.

He especially dwelt on the parts about Dabi.

Shoto supposed it was because Dabi seemed to have a real grudge against Endeavor in particular.... He wondered why that was.

But Endeavor did say one interesting thing. "But he never even tried to hurt you? Is that what I'm understanding?"

", now that you mention it, I remember the other members saying specifically not to hurt me," Shoto mused, "I guess maybe they were going to use me as leverage. Son of the no #1 hero and all..."

He thought Endeavor would agree with him, but he said nothing.

"Dad..." Shoto didn't even know the last time he'd even used that term to address Endeavor. It startled him. "Eh? What?"

"I don't know if this is going out on a limb...but is something else bothering you?" Shoto felt really awkward asking, but it was freaking him out.

"That depends--" Endeavor wasn't a very good liar, "--on why they keep picking on you...but not actually trying to hurt you."

It was a mystery.

"Maybe they think I'll join them, like Bakugo," Shoto said, "But I would never do that."

"No?" Endeavor said.

Shoto took offense to that. "Of course not! How could you even think that!? You really don't know me at all, do you!?"

"Shoto, if you are going to get worked up over every question, this is going to go nowhere," Endeavor retorted coldly, "I'm trying to get a read on the situation."

Shoto choked back more anger.... He supposed he would be doing the same, begrudgingly.

"Exactly what was said, again?" Endeavor pressed.

Shoto sighed. "It's all a blur.... I know they said Utsushimi was expendable--the monsters...and then, next time I saw the guy, he was near Mo-- Yaoyurozu.... I don't know. He was probably trying to kidnap her again. Likstar-sensei was talking to him. She must have scared him off. He ran away. That's the last I saw of him. Other than he tried to kill Likstar, I don't know what was going on."

"Why would he try to kill your supervisor? How could she possibly be important? Unless it was to get to you through her, but then, he didn't try to hurt you that time either." Endeavor was thinking hard.

Shoto hadn't thought about how weird it sounded until now.... He hated to admit it, but his dad wasn't stupid when it came to hero stuff.

"So what do you think it is?" he forced himself to ask civilly.

"I don't know," Endeavor said, which was chilling, "It doesn't make any sense. It would be easy enough to get to me through you, if that was what he wanted.... Has that woman ever encountered him before?"

Shoto was cautious. "I know that when he appeared at our school briefly, she did run into him, chased him off that time too. I think they are afraid of her power.... It makes sense-- she's formidable as an opponent."

"Is she? That twig?" Endeavor sounded surprised.

Shoto looked out the window somberly. "Looks can be deceiving.... She's scary. I wouldn't want to be on her bad side."

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