Part 81: Mirko acts like a b-word, and then the students go to a festival

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After a few days passed, Rumi got out of the hospital and back to her usual activities...despite being advised to take it easy. She felt fine, though she was covered with scratches.

Hawks suggested she just go to UA and pay a visit to Recovery Girl if she wanted to get back on the job. So she did. But pointedly, she did not go looking for Shine.

There was some to-do around Campus though, that Recovery Girl mentioned. They had finally got a counselor for the hero course. "Apparently she's made quite a stir with Aizawa and Nezu already," the old lady said, with concern.

Rumi left, looking much better, with only faint lines from the cuts and much less pain, and ran into Shine in the hallway.

"Oh...hi..." Shine said, "Why are you...? Oh, Recovery Girl. Well, you look much better. I was thinking of visiting again, but I heard you checked out early."

"Yeah, duh," Mirko muttered, "Well, great seeing you and all. Bye." She walked away.

"Wow...what a brush off," Shine called after her, "Did I offend you in some way?"

Mirko looked back. "Stop acting like we're friends. That's all."

"We aren't friends?" Shine said.

"No, I don't really have time for friends,"  Mirko tossed her head, "Not ones like you, anyway. And I don't need your help. I don't need someone to bail me out who's not even a Pro. You're slowing me down, making me weaker. Nothing's been normal since I met you and Joke that one day, and I hate that. So frick off."

That all came out a little harsher than she planned it to. Even Rumi wasn't so thoughtless as to intentionally be that much of a...b-word. But it just seemed to pour out of her. She'd been boiling for days without even realizing it until she started talking and it boiled over.

Shine stared at her.

"Do you...have any idea how hurtful what you just said was?" she said bluntly, but also a little upset. "I know we don't see eye to eye, but I've done nothing to hurt you. I didn't deserve that. You know that, don't you? Why are you so mean to me?"

"Don't start with that. Grow a spine," Mirko said defensively.

Shine crossed her arms. "Why don't you screw off?"

"All right, I will." Mirko turned and stalked away.

"You're a brat!" Shine called after her again, "You can't even handle a simple confrontation like this. No wonder you don't have any friends. I imagine you don't care about anyone's feelings enough to want to be around them."

Mirko froze. "Shut. Up."

No one ever got to her. No one. Likstar was just annoying.

"Make me," Shine said.

Mirko turned and walked back towards her, but Shine bolted. 

"Oh, now you want to run." Mirko easily caught up.

Shine started laughing even as she grabbed her arm to smack her. "That was just too easy."

"Why, you little--" Mirko was mad.

"You're so easy to provoke." Shine was still laughing. "Just stop it already. You're embarrassing yourself." 

Mirko shoved her into the wall. "Stop trying to get a reaction out of me."

"Stop reacting, then."

"I'll stop once you've learned some respect."

"Then act respectable."

Before Mirko could say anything else, a door opened down the hall and someone came out.

"Uh, what's going on out here? I heard slamming. If you're going to fight, go do it somewhere else. It's my break," the woman of average height, wearing normal clothes, and not with the bearing of a Pro said to them bluntly. Then, "What? You're adults? Wow, that's even sadder."

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