Part 44: Joint Training with Shiketsu-2

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The actual training took a while to get organized with so many students. It didn't help that they all wanted to look around the place more.

To Aizawa's annoyance, Shine and Wally did nothing to rein them in. Finally Midnight cracked her whip, and the students fell into line... Well, it couldn't be said that Shiketsu really understood what was happening, but it freaked them out.

"I can't believe we got the R-rated hero to train us," one guy said.

"It's disgraceful..." muttered Shishikura.

Before the teachers could announce what the activity would be, Shine walked up to Aizawa. "So, what are you going to have them do?"

"It's going to be a basic rescue scenario," Aizawa said.

"So, you'll change it half way through and call it a logical ruse," Shine said.

Aizawa frowned. "Likstar, what did I say about sass?"

"I earned it-- I participated in those dumb drills for weeks," Shine said.

"And you think you know what it means to be a hero after that?" Aizawa said.

"How many times have you saved the world?" Shine replied.


"That doesn't win the argument," Aizawa said, "and I don't have to discuss my teaching philosophy with you."

"You don't have a philosophy," Shine said, "You want a tip?"

"No," Aizawa said.

"When it comes to really being a superhero, it's how fast you can learn to work with anyone-- no matter who they are-- who might show up to help. I believe you teach that at UA... ostensibly. But what's the use if the students only work with people they know?"

"Hence the joint training. Glad you caught up," Aizawa used one of his rare killing sarcasm lines.

Shine ignored it. "But I was thinking, it's a little too basic... I was sure you had some twist in mind, like, some villain is going to show up... kind of like the licensing exam... Of course, the Shiketsu students might remember that a little too well... I mean, it is where one of them failed pretty miserably before."

"Do you have a point in all this?" Aizawa said.

Shine shrugged. "I have to say, it's just nice to see you taking it a little easier on the kids. That was what I expected, but just a basic rescue mission might be good. It's more relaxing, less stressful-- more true to life, you could say. And reminding the kids of the past failures is pretty discouraging for them, too. Some might say they'd have to learn to recover from it, but you know that way of thinking really doesn't fly with me."

"Are you being sarcastic?" Aizawa said.

"I am surprised," Shine said sincerely, "You are pretty hard on them, you know. But hey, if you think it's too easy, you could have a point too. For joint training, I did expect more of a challenge. I mean, why come all this way for so little? But I think you'd need more than just 3 teachers for that. I can't believe Shiketsu only brought 1."

"Maybe that's all they need. They don't have problem students," Aizawa said.

"Oh, they 100% have problem students. I can name two," Shine said, "That Shishikura kid too. He's such a pill. Talks a big game, but I wonder how good his actual cooperation skills would be if he really had to rely on other heroes."

Aizawa wasn't stupid, but it could be said he lacked the kind of subtlety it would take to realize what Shine was doing. He was a bit more direct than that. 

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