Part 93: Shigaraki and Mirko get trapped

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Shoto and Momo got closer to the heart of the compound, and found it a mess of twisted walls.

Kind of like an actual heart, but definitely it was all in the wrong place.

No sign of Dabi, no surprise there.

They ran into the rest of their party there only a few minutes later as Jiro found the same spot.

The lights were not on still, Momo had a flashlight, but Kaminari's wattage was definitely higher.

Though unstable.

"Hey, Yao-momo," he whispered to her.

Momo held out her hand and made a lightbulb.

Kaminari held it up. "Watch this, I'm Uncle Fester." He stuck in in his mouth and immediately the whole room was illuminated in bright light. It was one of those high wattage ones.

"I think we need a shade for him..." Jiro said.

"Well, you throw plenty, why don't you take care of it," Bakugo said a remark that could only have been because of Camie's influence.

Jiro looked at him oddly. "I think you started making jokes since hanging out with that Shiketsu chick, that seemed way out of character."

"Screw off, Earphone jackass!" Bakugo snapped.

Mirko eyed Kaminari. "I have to admit, that is a weird way...I mean, if I screwed that one way, would it turn off?"

Kaminari shrugged.

"But why does it need to be in you mouth?" Shoto said.

"Oh, it doesn't," Kaminari said around it. "It's just funnier that way."

"And he won't say anything stupid, so it's a win-win." Bakugo sniffed.

"This is really not what we need to be talking about," Aizawa said crossly. "You two are okay, that's good, but we have bad news."

They filled them in.

Jiro had her jack to the floor. "Mimic moved...I think he went below us...but now I can't tell. Maybe he left the wall. If we could just find the way to get down there...I'm sure that's where everyone is."

"But Miss Joke..." Momo was worried.

"Oh, don't worry, sweetheart, I'm fine," Miss Joke waved off her concern. It was a lie, but Momo chose not to comment on it.

"So you just let Dabi get taken huh?" Shigaraki was pissed off.

"It isn't like it was on purpose," Shoto was annoyed. "And why are you even here? I thought it was just going to be him."

"Apparently my low faith in his ability to not get captured was accurate." Shigaraki muttered.

"And Hawks is MIA for whatever reason," Mirko gestured dismissively. "So it's just us. But that's fine. We just need to find a trap door-hicky or something."

"Real scientific there, Rabbit foot," Bakugo said.

There was a rumble beneath them.

"Something huge just moved." Jiro said. "And...I hear screaming."

"Screaming? Is it Eri?" Aizawa grabbed her shoulders.

" could be, it's hard to tell over the rumbling, but it could be a girl's voice..." Jiro said. "I think I hear yelling too. But it's so far away..."

"Oh no, he's torturing her," Shoto said, as usual, the wrong thing.

Momo gave him a look. "It could be anyone..."

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