Part 47: Getting close to the Truth

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Ever since Shine had made her comments on Deku's quirk, Bakugo had been privately concerned she might be able to catch on to his secret. It's not like the idiot really tried to be discreet about it. But his fear was increased just the next day, after she got her phone, because he found her in the Teacher's lounge going over some footage of training.

"Why are you in here?" She looked up.

Bakugo had been looking for All Might just to discuss this very point, but he didn't intend to tell her that. "I was going to ask about an assignment," he lied.

"Oh, well I'm the only one in here," Shine said, "For some reason, when I walk in, Midnight, Snipe, and the other staff leave." She clicked on the computer she was using. "Don't you think 1-B's training was strange? I mean, I know I lectured them already on being bullies, but there's points where they are reckless even with their own safety, and so are 1-A for that matter... Just Deku's group though. That tracks-- I don't know how that kid has survived this school."

"The frick do you mean?" Bakugo asked.

"I've looked at the placement tests," Shine said, "It's amazing the files you can access off the school computers." She shrugged. "And I looked at the entrance exam too. Deku's power is erratic and dangerous for other students. I hate to say it, but I don't know why he was allowed to enroll here at all. And now it looks like he has multiple powers."

"Where would you get that idea?" Bakugo said, now alarmed but never showing it.

"I've not personally seen most of it, but I hear stuff from the students," Shine said, "and on video, at least, I see two or three different abilities. They seem similar. I just don't know what to make of it."

Bakugo frowned. "Whatever." He walked toward the door.

Shine looked up again. "You know something about it, huh?"

Bakugo stopped. "What? Are you freaking serious?"

"I won't ask you to tell me," Shine waved him off, "I can't very well ask you to keep my secrets and expose other people's." She frowned. "But if I can figure it out, someone else can too, Bakugo. You should be careful. Deku should be careful. I don't know what it is, but something is just not natural about this situation. I don't think it's really my problem, but I worry about you students. It could be yours, after all."

Bakugo debated what to say for a moment, then figured denying it was pointless and would only confirm her suspicions. 

"If you were onto something," he said, "then you shouldn't be prying into it. It's none of your business."

"Who's to say that?" Shine said, "It very well could be my business. Common welfare is my business, to paraphrase Dickens slightly."

"You like to get yourself into as much freaking trouble as possible, don't you?" Bakugo said flatly.

"As do you." Shine closed the video she was watching. "Some things are better left unknown." She got up. "If you really have a question about an assignment, you should check Aizawa's office, where he usually is at this time. As you well know." She walked past him.

Bakugo scowled, then he followed her. "Likstar, don't go poking into this nonsense. Do you want to die?"

"No," Shine said, "I'll find out if I need to. Don't worry about it." She glanced back at him. "If you were going to warn him about me, then you might want to add that part."

Bakugo didn't need a reminder not to underestimate Shine, but this served as one anyway. 

She didn't talk to him anymore about it though.

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