Part 100: Kamijiro confession

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When Aizawa finally came back, he seemed a bit down.

Wally, being the stellar guy that he was, decided to ask him if something was up.

He fully expected to hear how Eri was devastated, but instead Aizawa said Eri was doing okay, all things considered.

"So what's wrong?" Wally was puzzled. "Is it Miss Joke?"

Shine had told him about her quirk.

"How did you know?" Aizawa said weirdly.

"Oh, Shine told me."

"She called you since I left?"

", we talked early this morning..." Wally was puzzled. 

Shine had called him as soon as she woke up and talked until she drifted back off, mostly about what happened and how she missed him while she was gone. So cute.

But Aizawa seemed to be thinking of something else. 

", there's more..." Aizawa said, "I feel I have been...selfish."

Wally was puzzled further. "How so?"

Aizawa told him about getting upset. Of course he didn't go into a great amount of detail-- he didn't trust Wally that much-- but he said he'd had a moment of weakness.

"Then, after I left, I realized I was thinking of myself, and she doesn't even know if she's lost her quirk. I think I have been incredibly self centered... I don't know why she let me."

"Maybe she wanted a distraction." Wally certainly would have in her place.

"That's no excuse though," Aizawa said.

Wally wasn't a psychologist...but after years of hanging around Shine and his League friends, he knew just enough to say, "I kind of think you might be worked up over something else, though..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...of course Miss Joke was gonna be there for you. She's a really cool lady," Wally said, "It's not like that's a bad thing, so if it's bugging you, don't you think maybe that's not really it?"

Aizawa looked like he'd just said the most profound thing ever. " have a point. I didn't think of it that way... I think...I just realized something yesterday."

"You did?" Wally braced himself.

"I realized that Fukakado is more serious than I thought," Aizawa said, "She's always such a jokester, it's hard to tell, but, in the face of losing her quirk, she still fought. I don't know if I've judged her fairly all these years."

"Oh, I get it." Wally made a guns up sign. "You feel guilty."

Aizawa frowned. No one else would have said that to him. It wasn't really a thing you said at UA.

"Why would I feel guilty?" he said.

"Oh...I dunno..." Wally shrugged, "You can be kind of...cold... Oh, you're not really mean, don't get me wrong. But I bet you regret a lot of what you say later, right? I know a lot of guys like you at home... Oh, sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said that. You're not Batman."

Aizawa gave him a bizarre look. "Who is Batman?"

"My buddy...kind of like an uncle, if an uncle was really dark, mysterious, and anti- social," Wally said, "Though he's gotten a little better...and he's there when you need him, but he's not the type to be real encouraging or friendly, you know. I...didn't really get him for years, actually. I thought he was kind of intimidating, but then I realized, he was kind of just scared."

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