Part 65: The Momo-squad assembles

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Shine woke up the next day with very foggy memories of what happened-- not because she got drunk, but because at one point, Midnight had gotten so mad at Mt. Lady, she'd used her quirk to knock everyone out, except 13, who was immune thanks to her spacesuit.

Shine understood why 13 always came along, if this was a common occurrence.

13 assured Shine nothing too bad had happened: Midnight had gotten bored once everyone was asleep, and then the police had come to see what happened. 13 had taken Shine and Mt. Lady home. They'd come out of it on the way, but Shine still felt drowsy.

"I am never going anywhere with Midnight ever again," she told Wally over coffee.

"At least nothing too bad happened." Wally was creeped out by the whole thing. "That woman is terrifying. Sorry I told you to go."

"It's not like you knew," Shine said, "I feel a little bad for her, though... I think I see why she doesn't have a lot of female friends."

"Yeah...real shock there..." Wally muttered, "Look, Shine...sometimes pity and action are two separate things."

"I know.... Funny, you're more worried about that than you know who," Shine said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kaminari asked coming in.

"Nothing much," Shine said, sipping coffee.

"Well...maybe you should talk to Todoroki... I heard him crying last night," Kaminari said.

"You sure he was crying?" Wally couldn't picture it.

"Or laughing...but he never laughs," Kaminari said.

"Of course he was upset," Shine said, "We all are."

"Yeah, but...I didn't think he'd, you know...cry..." Kaminari said.

Shine bit her lip. "I don't know if I'm even okay yet, but I should try to talk to him."

"Or I could," Wally said.

Shine shook her head. "I...think he'll hear it better from me, babe. His dad probably upset him."

"Oh..." Wally said.

"Why does that matter?" Kaminari said, "Mr. West is cool-- he could handle it."

"Sometimes if someone has a bad experience with one gender, they have a hard time with it," Shine said, "An unfortunate fact of psychology...but maybe it's right. Still, I think I should try."

"I wonder if Peaches is okay, then..." Wally said.

"No way," Shine said, "When is that therapist going to get here?"

"Funny you should say that, Miss Likstar," Iida came in, "Mr. Aizawa just informed me the school is going to be getting counselors for the hero course. They were supposed to start New Year's, next week. I don't know why they are doing this...something about a petition."

"Ah, yea, I signed it," Shine said.

"What?" Iida said, "Why wasn't I informed of this?"

"Because no one cares about your opinion," Shine replied sassily.

Iida looked miffed, while Kaminari choked on a laugh.

Jiro came in to grab breakfast. "What's so funny?"

"No one does..." Kaminari said.

"Really?" Iida said.

"No, up, dude," Kaminari said.

Jiro snickered. "Kaminari has a point for once."

"" Kaminari said oddly.

"That's good though. This class needs it," Wally said, "My counselor is a Martian."

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