Part 141: The LOV learns the truth about Kurogiri

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The LOV hadn't had much to do since Medea's visit to UA. Just moving around.

Shigaraki had finally heard from the doctor, though. He had gone to one of his other hidden labs. He wouldn't tell Shigaraki where it was, per their agreement...and that he normally didn't anyway.

"I'll have to redo a lot, but there's a few toys I still have in reserve," the doctor said, "How's the recovery going?"

Shigaraki didn't have much to say about that. The doctor always made him weirdly uncomfortable, though he didn't really understand anyway. Maybe it was the constant pushing his buttons to see what he'd do.

[Yeah...maybe it's that...]

"Hey, genius," Mirko called from outside the phone booth, "hurry up. I just heard a cop car."

"Who is that?" the doctor said, "That sounds kind of like the number 5 hero..."

"I'm sure it wasn't." Shigaraki had absolutely no intention of telling the doctor that Mirko was there.

"Pity. I'd like to pay her back for that little number she did on that other nomu of mine..."

Mirko hadn't even really taken that one down, but Shigaraki also wasn't going to tell him that.

"Just focus on recovery."

"Are you being a little bossy?" The doctor sounded amused. "Well, we'll see... Don't worry. We'll be back to your treatment in no time."

Shigaraki could almost feel the pain now...not that it mattered.

"Hello?" Mirko banged on the phone booth.

"I'm sure that was her," the doctor said.

"It wasn't. Bye." Shigaraki hung up. "Do you mind!?"

"Hey, you're the one who said to keep watch," Mirko said flatly.

"I said to make yourself useful and go away!" Shigaraki snapped, "Not keep watch."

"Yeah, whatever. This was a stupid idea," Mirko said, "Better warp yourself back to the hole you crawled out of."

"Go away." Shigaraki walked away from the booth.

"What did the creepy doctor say?" Mirko followed him. "Anything new?"

"Not really." Shigaraki scowled. "Guess the ninja really aren't going to show themselves for a while."

"Creeps." Distastefully. "So what does this doctor guy do anyway? Compress said he's a real piece of work."

"Compress has a big mouth." Shigaraki was annoyed.

"Is he into that Frankenstein crap? Or is he more the sci-fi kind? Mind control and sh--."

"Is there a reason you're nagging me about this?" Shigaraki said, "What's it to you?"

"I don't know. No one even knew about this guy, and yet he's making all these nomu things," Mirko said, "Kind of important, isn't it? What else does he do? Make those support gadget things?"

"No, we get those off the black market-- Wait, why am I explaining this? I don't need to tell you anything!" Shigaraki said, "You're not part of the League. Why don't you go do you job, freeloader?"

"Oh, I see, I'm the freeloader. At least I actually work!" Mirko shot back, "Whatever."

She hopped away.

What a pest! Shigaraki thought. He regretted ever thinking rabbits were cute in the past. They were just as annoying as rats after all.

Mirko came dashing back the way past him, not even looking, and then something else ran by...a dog?

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