Part 29: The Truth About Dabi

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Planning to sneak off again was easy for Shine and Wally.

The only difficulty was being able to do it together, so they planned it for evening. This was three days after Shine visited the Todoroki house, and it was a school night, so all the kids were in bed by about 10--11pm. Shine and Wally met outside.

Shine looked nervous.

Wally wasn't actually as confident as he tried to appear, but he smiled. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Shine said. 

Wally took her hand. "It'll be fine."

"Okay, get us out of here," Shine said.

Wally dashed them off campus, and Shine portaled them through the wall. This was to avoid the cameras seeing her light go off.

Dabi was actually home. Well, sort of. It was really Twice's house, his latest anyway. He was just sitting in front of the TV while Twice argued with himself about what to have for dinner--there wasn't anything but microwavable food anyway, but the argument happened every day and Dabi had just learned to block it out by now--when the light flashed in the room like some kind of angelic visitation.

Dabi jumped back so fast he fell off the edge of the couch.

The mystery woman and super-speed man from before were standing in the room, looking around like they couldn't see that well in the dim light.

Dabi blazed up his hand. "What the he-- are you doing in here?!"

"This is my house!" Twice yelled. "No, it's not," said his other voice.

"It's that two personality guy," the woman turned to the man and said. 

"Oh... I feel kind of bad for him, though," the man said, "Should we talk to him?"

"At this stage, he can't benefit from it," the woman said, "If he comes in here you'll see."

Twice came in right then.

"Who are you talking to Dabi?" he said in his more amiable voice, then he saw them, gave a huge jump, and raced out of the room.

Twice was a weirdo, but he was not usually a coward. Dabi was baffled by his behavior.

"What is you deal anyway? How do you keep finding me?"

"It's easy to find you," the woman said, "I just think of you, and I make a portal."

Dabi scowled, but he figured it was time to put an end to this charade.

He stood straighter. "All right, the jig is up. Shine Likstar, Wally West, what exactly are you two freak shows doing here?"

Shine looked at him oddly. 

"Did you tell him our names?" Wally asked, "'Cause the way he said it, it was totally like a big dramatic reveal moment."

Shine snorted. "Yes, he's quite the drama queen...but no, I didn't..." She looked at Dabi closely.

"You have a spy at UA," she said.

Dabi was a little surprised that it took her only 3 seconds to get that. He'd figured he'd have to drop a few more hints at least for it to become obvious.

"What makes you say that?" he said flatly.

"No one outside UA knows our names except one person, who I have confidence you wouldn't have contacted," Shine said, "And, we have no records. Which you no doubt know by now... Only having a spy at UA explains how you'd even get our names. And we've wondered for some time how the LOV keeps showing up wherever they are. That explains everything, but thank you for confirming our suspicious...Surely, the staff has realized this by now too."

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