Part 4: Newcomers in the dorms/ the girl take Shine to the Mall

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They eventually all regrouped at the main campus. To Bakugo's chagrin, their group had not come in first. Most of the villains had lost, save for Aoyama and Shoji, who had apparently kept up too good a defense. 

"Dude," Kirishima told Todoroki, "too bad, losing to the newb, but you did have three of the strongest students ganged up on you." 

"You're wrong in assuming it was because of us," Tokoyami said abruptly, "Miss Likstar's help was the only reason we won. Her speed gave us a time shortcut we could not possibly have matched without more time to plan."

 "But she also slowed down your operation by 8 minutes at least," Aizawa cut in, "At best, her actions at the end were reckless and relied solely on her raw power and taking your opponent off guard. Bakugo is the only reason you had enough time to win." 

Yaoyurozu frowned. 

Somehow that sounded wrong-- not Bakugo saving their rears (that was unpleasantly too true)-- but Shine relying on her raw power? She didn't seem the type. Her actions seemed more thought out, as rushed as it all had been, and smacked of experience doing this before. 

"Not reckless," she muttered, though Aizawa had moved on to the next team.

 "What?" Tokoyami glanced at her.

 "She wasn't reckless," Yaoyurozu said aloud, "She was quick. She knew almost nothing of our abilities or our opponents. She didn't even ask what my quirk was. She relied on yours, hers, and my hero training alone and a last minute addition of Bakugo. She didn't even know his quirk, did she?"

 "I never showed her," he admitted grumpily, "Crazy chick just said to cause a distraction." 

"She knew you could," Yaoyurozu said, folding her hands pensively, "She may not have had any plan for dealing with ice or fire or speed, but she used what she had and trusted us to do the rest. Considering how little she had to go on, the plan was decent."

 "True," said Tokoyami, "and we got caught up in the time limit. We discussed it too much... I am not sure why she did not, since she seemed unsure about it at the start of the exercise. Perhaps she kicked into a higher gear." 

"To trust you that much when she's known you for two days..." Todoroki actually sounded impressed. "She must read people quickly." 

"She knew you would help..." Yaoyurozu glanced at Bakugo. "Even after you hit it off so poorly."

"Don't give her that much credit!" Bakugo snapped, "She took a gamble. She's just lucky I wanted to win." 

"Is it luck?" Tokoyami asked quietly, "Or is it sound judgment?"

Uraraka had listened to all this. "Wow, you guys. Now I feel really bad for her...but wow." 

"In two minutes she made that big of an impression?" Midoriya and Iida thought. 

"We should check on her once we're done," Uraraka suggested.

 "Yes," Yaoyurozu agreed.

They did exactly that, even Bakugo, but his professed reason was to let her know he was still going to kill her. No one tried to stop him. No point. 

West was still with Shine. Todoroki didn't say so, but West's skills had also surprised him. He'd anticipated Todoroki's plan and improvised accordingly with ease, like he'd done it a million times. Neither of them really acted like novices. Had that been the teacher's plan in having them participate? And were the teachers surprised at the results? 

"Hey." Kirishima, who'd tagged along, waved. "Dude, I have your results. You have a high score. Aizawa said your plan was adequate, only didn't count on your girlfriend's quirk." 

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