Part 137: Medea trying to Figure herself out (with a little help)

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Shine and Medea had a long talk.

Silk came with her, as if to make sure she would be okay. Shine kind of liked the Russian lady. Some of her people were Ukrainian Jewish, so she kind of dug her accent and style.

Medea finally agreed to talk to Cece. She didn't much like the idea, but Shine really stressed that Cece would be able to help get to the bottom of what was eating her.

It helped when she mentioned Dabi had gone to Cece also.

"Will they let non-hero course students talk to her?" Silk asked.

"Oh, I'm sure we can work something out," Shine said.

* * *

Cece was not too happy about having someone else take up her time, but when Shine told her in a nutshell what Medea's story was, she became more sympathetic.

"Well, I'm not too busy today," she said, "I guess she can come in after my 5 o'clock."

So they waited.

Medea got more nervous. "I don't know... She's going to tell the police."

"Cece would never give the police that kind of intel," Shine said, "If she didn't turn in Dabi, she won't turn in you."

Medea and Silk looked at her oddly.

"Is...this counselor one of yours?"

"No...believe it or not, she's just morally grey," Shine said. [😉😏😜]

"And you're okay with that?" Silk said.

"No...I like her, but I wouldn't do what she does," Shine said, "but I'm afraid to take her down."

"Why?" Medea said, fidgeting in the chair.

"Well, we're both brutally honest, blunt about it, stubborn, and self confident," Shine said, "So if we started to argue, I'm not sure who'd win, but we'd both end up with severe damages. So I'm not starting it with her, and I take it she's decided the same about me."

"You know, I think you'd win. You take on LOV," Silk said.

"So does Cece," Shine said, "Maybe honesty makes you braver...or just forces you to take risks. Who knows?"

"It's 5..." Medea said, "I'll just go in."

"I didn't see anyone come out yet," Shine said.

"They could be gone already," Silk said, "Don't these appointments usually end early? I've never been to therapy."

Medea shrugged and opened the door.

But the appointment was not over. Cece was still talking to the student...Monama.

He was kind of droning on, while she was not really making much of an effort not to roll her eyes, but then she looked up and shot Medea a surprised look.

"'re... Oh, yeah, our time's up. Monama, see you next week," then under her breath, "Unless I'm lucky..."

"Oh? Huh, I guess time flies." Monama got up.

Medea had time enough to think, You know, maybe I should have shut the door...

Before he turned around and froze in place.

Medea stared at him, then she tossed her hair like it was really nothing and marched into the room.

"So you're Cece, huh?"

"It's Miss Counselor to you." Cece started pouring whiskey into a hydro flask.

Medea watched her.

"Is that legal?"

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