Part 121: Shigaraki comes a callin'

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Back inside, things had progressed to talking about the rescue and what had led up to Dabi's decision.

Dabi would never have imagined being ready to talk about this, but the others actually genuinely wanted to hear it, and Wally helped a lot with mediating it.

When Shine rejoined them, she smiled reassuringly but didn't interrupt.

Shoto finally snuck back in. No one acknowledged it, except Momo put a hand on his arm as if to ask if he was okay, and he nodded.

"I can't believe you're related to Todoroki." Kaminari didn't notice he'd come back in.

This had come out too...with a surprisingly small reaction. Bakugo barely batted an eyelash at it. He'd sort of suspected it already. Jiro and Kaminari just thought it made sense with the quirk.

Camie never acted surprised at all.

"Yeah, me neither." Dabi didn't make eye contact with Shoto. "But that's all in the past. I don't consider myself one of them anymore."

"I don't blame you for not wanting to be related to Endeavor," Jiro said, "I've picked up on a few things..."

"Yeah, but Todoroki is cool," Kaminari said.

Jiro elbowed him.

Dabi ignored him. He already didn't take Kaminari that seriously.

"So," Momo changed the subject, "what are you doing to...well, entertain yourself?"

Dabi frowned. "Why do you care?"

He tended to meet every personal question this way.

"She's just being polite," Wally said, tirelessly mediating, "No offense meant."

"How would that be offensive?" Jiro asked.

"It could be," Bakugo scowled.

"You mean 'cause people think you amuse yourself by beating up nerds or something," Camie said.

"That's just my job," Bakugo said.

They snorted at his answer.

"This is so weird." Kaminari always said whatever came into his head. "I never would have pictured this... Dabi's kind of chill once you get used to him."

Dabi frowned at him.

"Careful," Shine said, "he's still prickly. I wouldn't say things like that about him."

"I meant it in a good way," Kaminari said.

"I'm not a pet." Dabi glared. "Don't talk down to me."

"I wasn't..." Kaminari said.

"And you don't need to narrate me," Dabi said to Shine.

"I apologize," Shine said, "I was trying to help, but you're right, that's weird."

When a conflict like this rose up, Shine and Wally both had a way of negating it, like water to Dabi's fire of provoking things.

The kids were starting to take notes. None of the ever diffused a situation like that with Bakugo or their other angry friends.

Maybe the key was apologizing right away.

"This is weird for me too," Dabi admitted, "I don't know if this is even right. Just talking like this. I've never been one for a long conversation."

"I think you're a natural at it, though," Camie said.

"Shut up," Dabi said.

"Hey, whatever, bro. No one here cares," Camie said, "We all suck at it anyway."

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