Part 107: Getting Help

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Mirko coughed on black stuff. "Where is this?"

"Not that far away...what the h--- was that?" Shigaraki was livid.

"I believe it's called getting away..." Mirko said crossly "D---it! I can't believe I walked right into what..."

"I meant the whole part about...are you an idiot?"

"Looks that way, for not seeing that one coming," Mirko was not really listening to him. "I could won't work...err..."

Then she looked up. " brought me with you...huh...didn't expect that."

"What? Oh like just waiting for them to shoot us was going to work."

"You know what I mean..." Mirko looked around. "We're not safe here though, they'll find us...I hate to say's down to my least favorite option, calling in back up."

Shigaraki decided he'd sort this out later. "Well we can't call the LOV."

"Like I'd want to! As far I'm concerned you can just go off, the deal's over, obviously," Mirko said. "I'd beat you up, but it's a waste of my time right now. So you can just leave. I'll handle this."

"Oh 'cause you're doing so great so far!" Shigaraki was surprisingly mad at this.

 Sure, he didn't want to be involved but no way was he just letting some hero tell him he couldn't be! That was just arrogant!

"I'm still alive, aren't I?" Mirko brushed it off. "I'm sure it'll all work out just fine. Once I figure out my next step."

"You next step is obviously to call Likstar! idiot."

"That's...just what I was going to do..." Mirko said. Now miffed. "But now I'm not so sure I should."

"Why not?"

"Well if you're saying it, it's probably a bad idea."

Shigaraki scowled. "That's just what a hero would say."

"All right don't blow a fuse...there's also the ugly little possibility that she may still be mad..." Mirko said. "But..." she paused. "Then again...I dunno...she wouldn't agree with those guys, though...I'm sure she wouldn't."

"Are you mad? Likstar would never agree with those hacks," Shigaraki was mad now. "It's insulting even to suggest it."

"Did I ask you?" Mirko said heatedly. "No, I guess I'll just have to call her."

She pulled out her phone. "Shut up while I'm talking."

Shigaraki almost blew a fuse.

"Hello? Hi...yes it's me," Mirko rolled her eyes at the phone. "No, I'm not apologizing, shut up...I may have a bit of a problem here...oh don't sound so happy about it, you sick freak--Yes you were! Anyway, you know that cult...yeah, I need a lift, maybe your stupid boyfriend can, someone else is here too, but I'm sure he'll be leaving, " with a pointed glare at Shigaraki.

That just made him madder.

"You can tell Likstar I am not going anywhere," he snapped. "I'm going to talk to her also! And tell her all of this was your fault."

"Oh like he--" Mirko glared at him. "What?" to the phone. "Oh, yeah it was, that's not what's happening...Just freaking pick us up! Or come here, I don't care which... Great!" she hung up.

"It was not my fault," she said like nothing had happened. "And she won't believe you anyway."

"Oh, let's just test that theory," Shigaraki retorted. 

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