Part 157: Meta Take Down Squad Assemble--2

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Back at UA, Dabi filled in the other kids on what happened.

"Whoa, so lit..."  Camie said.

"Should you really be here if Shine isn't here to cover for you?" Dabi said.

"Ah, it's cool. Mr. A is okay with it as long as I stay away from the main buildings," Camie said, "And, like, it's been so relaxing to be away from Moto all week."

"I still want to kick her teeth in," Bakugo grumbled.

"So, what'll happen to Hawks, Mr. Dabi?" Kaminari asked.

"Don't call me that, and I dunno," Dabi said, "I suppose he's just another lost sheep to those two blockheads...but I doubt dear old dad is going to be happy about it."

Bakugo gave him a look.

"What?" Dabi said.

"Just you and Icyhot sure talk alike sometimes. I'd almost actually believe you're brothers. That, and you're both idiots," Bakugo said.

"Well, by that logic, Blasty, I'm surprised you're not his long lost brother," Dabi said.

"What the heck did you just say to me? You piece of crap!" Bakugo exploded.

"Yo, bet if you told Todoroki-san that, he'd make a theory about it," Camie said, "He totes thought Deku and All Might were related... They look nothing alike though, but I gotta admit, personality wise, they're twinsies."

"Bubbles, do you actually talk like that or is it an act so we all thing you're a space cadet?" Dabi asked.

"Bro, do you actually talk like that or is it an act so we think you're an a--h---?" Camie retorted.

Dabi snickered.

"Ah, Ponytail's calling." Bakugo answered his phone. "About d--- time. It's been an hour!... Tch, hang on." He put her on speaker.

"So, the whole LOV is here...well, half of them," Momo's voice said, hushed, "I stepped into the next room... They agreed to help. We're taking on the Metas directly... Well, I'm not sure they're letting Todoroki and I help or not. I don't think Endeavor is going to be okay with it, but the adults are."

"Like h--- am I being left out of that!" Bakugo said.

"Bakugo, the Metas have killed, like, dozens of heroes, maybe hundreds," Camie said.

"Yeah, so?" Bakugo said.

Camie bit her lip. "Well, they probs won't let us help."

"I hope not," Jiro muttered.

"They're talking right now about what they need," Momo said, "Shine said to fill you in... Also, I'm supposed to ask Dabi if he wants to work with the LOV again for this, since this was also his fight."

"Would they even want that?" Dabi said.

"It seems so," Momo said, "They really don't seem mad...but you don't have to, of course. You should stay out of it, if you want."

"It depends what kind of plan it is. I don't want to be exposed," Dabi said.

"And Endeavor is okay with the LOV just being there at his house?" Bakugo said.

", but he's tolerating it because of the situation." Momo said, "Hawks is...well... I think it's more personal right now, so...I gotta go."

She hung up.

"Well, frick..." Jiro summed it up.

* * *

"I think it would be possible," Shine said after explaining her idea.

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