Part 41: Learning

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Though the issue with the class was mostly resolved, some tension remained the next day. Momo particularly felt that Jiro was still upset with her. She couldn't understand why that was.

Meanwhile, Shine spoke to Aizawa about Eri. "Would it be possible to watch her more while we are at the dorms?" she asked, "I want to be able to supervise the class more, and she's not lost control of her quirk in a long time." 

Eri's horn was pretty much gone now.

Aizawa shrugged. "It would be fine, I suppose. I watch her around there anyway. I just... think the class might frighten her a little."

"But she'll have to get used to being around larger groups of people, Aizawa, and they understand the situation better than anyone else will," Shine said.

"To be honest, I'm the most worried about Bakugo," Aizawa confessed without any emotion, "He's aggressive, and that could startle her."

"Well, I will talk to him," Shine said.

"And you think he'll listen to you?" Aizawa said.

"Well, if he doesn't, he won't listen to you either," Shine replied roundly, "and not with that attitude. Come now, it'll take the pressure off us all, and it'll make her feel more normal too."

"You can try it for one day at a time, and if you avoid any unpleasant incidents, I don't see a reason to object," Aizawa shrugged.

"For real, though, why don't you just legally adopt?" Shine said.

"Get out of my office!" Aizawa snapped, curling into his sleeping bag.

Shine left still laughing over that reaction.

And so, later that day, the students were shocked to see Eri in their common area, though no one dared express it except Bakugo, who began to yell, "What the--?" But Shine portaled him outside right away. 

Eri had only time to look up, startled.

"Sorry, sweetie, that was my bad for not warning him. He's just scared," Shine told her.

Eri nodded. "I get scared too... Is he scared because of me?"

"No, he's scared because he probably thought something bad happened outside," Shine said, "Don't worry about it. I'll explain it to him, and he won't be scared anymore."

Eri nodded.

"If you guys could just wait here for a second. I need to go talk to Bakugo," Shine said to the others, who stared at her.

"Uh... what is this?" Jiro hissed.

"Maybe they're going to start watching her here now," Mina said.

"Oh, now that's too much pressure!" Mineta whined, "Aizawa will kill me if I say anything bad around Eri!"

"Then maybe it's a good idea," Mina said roundly.

Outside, Shine found Bakugo angrily kicking a tree. "Sorry about that, but you can't scream around Eri, okay? At all. She's very easily startled. She's gotten a bit more used to it, but you're... well... a lot to adjust to for anyone."

"The frick is that brat doing here?" Bakugo demanded.

"I'm going to watch her here," Shine said, "That way I can do both my jobs. And I'll have you know, I staked my credit with Aizawa on you not being a problem by scaring her, because I believe you're perfectly capable of understanding the situation. So, I need you to not make me look bad by blowing up just to spite me, okay?"

"You shouldn't have done that," Bakugo scoffed, "and why am I the big concern here? Talk to that Grape Sucker." 

"Please, don't ever call him that again," Shine said, "and you... well... you don't seem very comfortable around kids, so, I thought, maybe she'd make you a little nervous, and you might retaliate that way."

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