Part 117: Dabi's make-over

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Shine got back to the dorms and found Wally asleep again, but he woke up when she sank onto the chair across from him.

"What's wrong?" Wally could tell at once from how silent she was and the look on her face.

Shine just showed him the news clip. She didn't have the heart to say it all out loud.

Wally was equally crushed. "Oh...those dirty, rotten scoundrels... How could they do that to their own people?"

"I feel like...I should have seen it coming," Shine said.

"I think we did kind of wonder about it," Wally said, "I got the vibe with the ones we talked to they thought it might end up that way. I'm glad they listened... That's always the most important part."

"38 people..."

"Shine, it's not your fault."

"I know. Can't I be upset without thinking it's my fault!?" Shine burst out, "Gosh, I'm so sick of that. That's all anyone around here can say to express regret. It's never just a bad thing. It has to be someone's fault! Why? What's the point? The only person responsible is those psychos!...So we should just want to stop them, not wallow in self deprecation!"

Wally winced.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that to sound like I was angry at you... It's just know..." Shine said.

"No, I got it." Wally came up and put a hand on her shoulder. "You're sucks either way. Doesn't matter who's fault it is. I just didn't want you to start thinking that way."

"I know. I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. You're upset. I get it. I get that way too..." Wally would have been that way in fact, if he'd had the chance to be, but since Shine was feeling bad, he was pushing himself to be above it for her sake.

He held out an arm, and Shine leaned on his shoulder and started crying.

Some of the kids looked in and got scared faces.

But after a bit they talked to each other, and someone had seen the news, and they all put it together.

"It must be what they were doing, right?" Momo said.

"I think so," Jiro said.

"That's a lot of people to die, though." Kaminari was scared.

"If it was what they were involved in, then what happens to them?" Shoto said.

That was too much for Kaminari.

He raced in and grabbed Wally's arm. "Mr. West! Tell me you're not going to die too!"

"What?" Wally was puzzled.

"Like on the news!" Kaminari said.

"You know about that?" Wally said.

Shine wiped her eyes. "That didn't take long..."

"It was you right?" Shoto said, coming in resolutely.

"We didn't kill anyone," Wally said.

"No, it was related to what you did, right?" Shoto clarified.

Shine nodded. "It's a long story... Sit down. We'd better fill you in."

So they did.

The kids were stunned to hear it all.

"I don't know how to take the news that that group is still active," Shoto said.

"I didn't even think about it. How did I not think about that?" Momo put her face in her hands.

"We didn't even know it was a problem till yesterday," Shine said, "We haven't even had time to really to let it sink in, and then this news hit us..."

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