Part 87: Touchdown in the Concentration Camp

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"We are not letting a villain come with us." Aizawa had been arguing with Shine for 5 minutes straight. "For all the reasons I just listed, and it wasn't part of the agreement."

His reasons were as follows. 1: Dabi was a villain. 2: They couldn't trust that this wasn't just the perfect set up for a joint op between the gang and the League. 3: Shine wouldn't tell them why the LOV wanted him to come.

Shine sighed. "Dabi...want to step in here?"

"Not really." Dabi was sullen. "I'm going whether pencil man likes it or not, so just shut up and let's go."

"Let's put it to vote," Miss Joke said.

"No, that'll never work," Shine said, "Everyone will vote against it except you, me, Momo, and Bakugo."

The looks on everyone's faces were priceless...because she was exactly right.

"Well, then we have our answers," Aizawa said.

"Let me put it to you this way." Shine held up a watch. "Dabi will come whether you like it or not. Some way or the other, and we are using up precious time. Shall we keep arguing, or shall we move on?"

Aizawa glared at her. "If this goes wrong, I'm holding you fully responsible for his actions. Have fun explaining to the authorities if we get caught."

The students were shocked at that threat...but Shine was too upset already to really get more rattled by anything. She looked away.

"Between the death threat in there and that, it really sucks to be you," Dabi said to Shine.

Mirko kicked him in the shin.

"Hey?! What was that for, Bugs?" he said.

"Just felt like it." Mirko looked away.

"Death threat?" Momo repeated.

"Let's fly," Hawks interrupted. His feathers swirled around and picked them up. "I've got my GPS on this." He touched his glasses. "I hope those directions were right. And, Miss Likstar, for your comfort, I will personally carry you."

"That's not that comforting, Hawks, but I'll take it over riding a feather," Shine said.

"We're doing what?" Bakugo looked nervous.

The feathers took off at a huge speed into the air, not as fast as a jet, but about as fast as an eagle or hawk, naturally.

Hawks led the way, holding Shine carefully. Shine covered her eyes or else looked only upward.

"Eh, I hate this." Mirko held her ears down as the air rushed past. "Never gets any better."

"My eyes are stinging, man," Kaminari said.

"You have sunglasses!" Jiro yelled at him.

"Oh...right..." He pushed them down. "I forgot because it's dark..."

"So..." Momo addressed Dabi-- he was closer to her-- "uh...why are you joining us? I mean, really?"

"None of your business," Dabi said coldly.


Momo tugged her bangs. "Uh, did you mean by death threat?"

Dabi didn't care if she knew that. It would just freak her out. "Oh, boss says he'll kill Shine if I don't come back."

"What?!" Momo almost yelled, but of course, it was drowned out by the wind, so hardly anyone even heard it.

Shoto glanced her way, but couldn't make out what was going on.

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