Part 102: The Deal continues (or Shigaraki gets mistreated)

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About 4 days after the Camp incident, the LOV was not doing great.

They heard through the underground vine that rumors were spreading about Overhaul's gang being routed by a group of heroes...and some other people. No word yet if they'd been recognized.

Compress said Dabi might have got through all right, but Shigaraki should never have gone--he did not say that to his face, however.

Dabi found himself caring surprisingly little about it. He should have been more concerned that someone might catch on to them, but...he wasn't.

What kept him up at nights was that he'd blown his secret to that little punk!

Would he tell Endeavor?

No, Dabi didn't think he was going to do that... Then again, they were all cozy these days, after that internship...

What had he been thinking anyway? Was he really so bitter he'd just vent the first chance he got on one of his stupid family?

The answer to that was clearly yes.

Of all things, he wished he could talk to Likstar. Which was stupid. But she'd probably have some insightful answer about it. 

He sulked by himself and listened to some of the songs she'd recommended, like he thought that might give him an idea. But they didn't.

One started playing that wasn't on her list but linked to it on YapTube for some reason. Similar band maybe:

"I'm a reckless mistake. I'm a cold night's intake. I'm a one night too long. I'm a come on too strong.

All my life I've been living in the fast lane, can't slow down, I'm a rolling freight train. One more time, gotta start all over. Can't slow down I'm a lone red rover. Oh, how did it come to this? Oh, love is a polaroid, better in picture, never can fill the void.

I'm a hold my cards close. I'm a wreck what I love most. I'm a first class let down. I'm a shuddup, sitdown.

I am the headcase,.I am the color of boom! That's never arriving, yet you are the pay raise, always a touch out of view, and I am the color of---


I'm a midnight talker. I'm an alley walker. I'm a day late two face. I'm a burn out quick pace.

I am the headcase. I am the color of boom that's never arriving. Yet you are the opera, always on time and in tune, and I am the color of--

I'm gonna get ready for the rain to pour heavy. Let it fall, let it fall upon my head!"

He got up and went out for a walk.

He was wandering around the city and passing through a park when he stumbled across someone on a bench. 

He wouldn't have thought anything of it, but then a second glance and he saw it was Likstar.

"Seriously? What are the odds of that?" he said, "This has to be some kind of set up."

Well, even if it was, why was she asleep?

He came up and shook her.

She snapped awake and took a wild swing at him. "Dabi!!?" Her eyes cleared. "What are you doing here?"

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