Part 61: Welp, that escalated quickly

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After Christmas, things didn't settle down. The students had to get right back to work, enjoying their new gifts.

Shine and Wally had gotten all of them some, apart from the exchange, as well as some for each other. And it touched most of them. They sported their new gear to class, much to Shine's satisfaction.

Momo was in a better mood. The trip to the rundown neighborhood had given her a lot to think about, but she thought she was starting to see why Shine had taken them. Looking around at UA, she thought it looked a little grand in comparison...

"I mean, we have more here than we could ever need," she said to Shoto during the class break, "and we don't use a lot of it. It's such a difference."

"I don't see why it's our concern though," Shoto said, "What can we do about it? And... you know, maybe it's just karma. Maybe those people deserve to be there."

"You don't really think that, do you?" Momo gave him something like a disappointed look.

"No," Shoto admitted, "I don't really... but it's uncomfortable to talk about something you can't change."

"Ah..." Momo understood. "It is... but don't you think maybe visiting was changing it just a little? At least, we know about it... and I thought some of those people really liked what Shine said to them... just to be noticed at all. I know I would if I were them."

"I can't really imagine how I'd feel. I've never been in that position," Shoto mused, "I think they liked the blanket you made them."

"Ah, that was so sad. Being outside when it was freezing, all because the landowner wouldn't let them in with that quirk..."

"It was kind of bad... attracting roaches..." Shoto said.

"It wasn't just roaches, it was bugs in general," Momo mused, "Kind of like Koda's quirk, only they emitted pheromones? Something, but only bugs could smell? It was hard to hear them."

"What are you two talking about?" Mineta turned around.

"We went out," Momo explained.

"You went out? Finally?" Mineta said, "Todoroki, you dog! That's just not fair!"

"She means we went out on an errand." Shoto was not embarrassed, but Momo was ready to sink through the floor.

"Yes, that's what I meant. You didn't let me finish," she said quickly.

"Oh." Mineta looked less interested. "Well, keep it down, will you?"

"He'll never care about anything more important," Shoto muttered.

Momo privately agreed. "But I feel bad. Are we really just supposed to forget about that?"


That question was answered late when they were talking to Shine... who was still recovering from the party. She had a headache from being up so late. She didn't tell them about visiting the villains.

"Eri ate too many sweets and didn't feel so good later," she sighed, "She's okay now. I gave her baking soda water... poor kid. Aizawa... never came back from the lounge. Was he in class?"

"Yes, but he did seem a little out of it," Momo said.

"I bet he was hungover," Shine said, "Emi sent me some pictures of the party-- got a little wild."

They looked at her oddly. "Nothing so bad, but it was loud."

"Should you really tell us that about our teachers?" Shoto said.

"If they didn't do anything wrong, I don't see why not. Don't be such a stiff," Shine said, "You sound like Iida."

Shoto frowned. 

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