☆~Denki Kaminari~☆

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Requested by: CaitlinGarrison

Hey, for some reason, for the longest time, I thought Tetsutetsu's eyes were bright green.

Like, I watched through the show, and I was sure he had green eyes.

Then, when I rewatched it, I realized they weren't. But like, while watching through season 2 and 3 for the first time, whenever I saw Tetsutetsu, I was absolutely sure his eyes were green.


☆~°¤ | It's So Fun | ¤°~☆

You flinch as he lightly touches your face.

"You're so cute,  (Y/N)~!" He said to you, loving the fact that you're like this. It's so... fun! He knows you aren't scared of him, you just don't like being touched.

It's just so fun to mess with that fear...

You were beaten as a child.

Your parents were powerful Heroes, your parents expected you to be the perfect mix of them. Everyone had very high expectations of you.

And then, when you turned four years old...

You didn't develop a quirk.

You couldn't make plants spontaneously grow out of the ground, you couldn't produce lava from your skin, you couldn't do some... weird mix of the two, no... you couldn't do... anything.

Your parents weren't happy about that.

What's the point of having a useless child...?

They didn't care about you, they never did. They always yelled at you, hit you at the slightest slip-up... you started getting scared whenever someone touched you.

You were almost sexually assaulted once, and that only worsened your fear.

And one day, you met Denki Kaminari.

He was... it was like he was the only good thing in your life.

You fell straight into a trap.

He placed both of his hands on your cheeks from behind you, causing you to flinch again.

"Oh (Y/N)... why would you want to leave the house?" He asked. "You know everyone in the world just wants to hurt you, right? Everyone except for me?"

"Y-yes... Kaminari..." you quietly said

"That's good..." he rubbed his hands across you. "So you know what to do, right?"

"Never... n-never leave."

"... do you promise? Promise me, (Y/N)."

"I... I promise... I'll never leave the house again, Kaminari... I'll never try to leave... you."

He smirked, and whispered right in your ear

"Good girl."

You're so fun to play with.

He touches you so much for a reason. The same reason he yells at you.

He loves seeing you flinch like that. Whenever he gently places a hand on you, whenever he raises his voice, it's so... adorable.

You're so jumpy, so anxious, so... manipulatable.

He was such a good 'friend' to you, you believe his every word, his every action.

You truly believe he's the only person in the world who would never hurt you.

Even though he does hurt you.

If something really bad happens...

If he thinks you really deserve it...

Kaminari will hit you.

And he has no problem with doing that.

It's even more fun than just touching you.

You don't just flinch, or jump, or get nervous, no... you often cry when you get hit.

And it's very fun to see you cry.

He just loves that you're like this.

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