♤~Hanta Sero~♤

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(I originally planned on doing Shinbaku, but couldn't come up with any good ideas, so I did this instead)

(I originally planned on doing Shinbaku, but couldn't come up with any good ideas, so I did this instead)

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----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Bad Memories | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

Todoroki's vision blurred as he struggled to breathe, the cloth around his neck getting tighter and tighter as Sero pulled on both ends.

Using most of his breath, he managed to scream into the night



But no one heard the poor boy.

Todoroki jolted awake.

His heart was beating out of his own chest, his hands wouldn't stop shaking, and he was sweating a lot.

"...Another nightmare." He said to himself.

He'd been having a lot of nightmares recently. Even though that happened two years ago, he couldn't stop thinking about it...

Todoroki sighed, and got out of his bed, realizing he wasn't going to be able to fall asleep after that.

"Maybe some fresh air would calm my nerves." He said, leaving his room.

He lives alone in a two-bedroom apartment, and works at a local convenience store. He was never able to finish his Hero training due to what happened two years ago, so he lives like this instead.

He's fine with that, though.

He walked out of his bedroom to the front door, grabbing his keys before Exiting his apartment.

He makes sure to lock his door, so no one can get in without him knowing.

He walks through the hallway, smelling the scent of cigarettes that had been ingrained into the hallway's carpet.

Once he got to the elevator, he pressed the button, and waited for it to get to his floor.

He always gets worried that when those doors open, he'll see that tall, black haired man standing there in front of him. Ready to take him away again.

As the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Todoroki stood there for a second, before deciding to not go get that fresh air he wanted.

"Maybe I'll just get myself some water instead..."

Once he got back inside his apartment, he got himself a glass of water, and kept thinking back to two years ago. He just kept thinking about Sero.

Without realizing it, he had quietly started crying. So many things happened... why did any of that have to happen?!

So many people died... some  he didn't even know...

All in the name of 'love'.

Maybe he should just go back to sleep...

Todoroki ended up having another nightmare, remembering the night Sero carved his name onto his thigh.

As he realizes he's still in his bedroom, he calms down, and...



This isn't his bedroom.

Why isn't he in his bedroom? Where is he?

Wherever he is, it's very small, and very cramped... he has just enough room to move slightly.

Then he realized his hands are taped together.

"N-no... no this isn't happening-!" He said to himself, starting to panic.

Sero opens the trunk of his car, and smiles when he sees Todoroki's look of genuine terror.

"Been a while, hasn't it~?"

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