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Requested by: JustAnIdiotYandere

My friend and I were talking about characters we simp for (don't ask why), and I sent her a pic of Kazuichi (because I guess I have a thing for characters with sharp teeth), and she described him as looking like "Kirishima if he was in a gang"

----------- ☆~°¤ | The Surprise | ¤°~☆ ------------

You're a Vigilante. You'd always wanted to be a Hero, but you were never able to get into any schools that would allow you to get a license for that... so, you chose the easy option. Yeah sure, it's technically illegal, but you don't care.

You met someone one day, during a fight of all things.

You didn't get his name, but the moment you saw him, you felt... something.

You don't know what led you to this decision, but you decided to follow him home.

When you were sure he was asleep, you quietly entered his house. Holy fuck, this is extremely illegal.

You found out his name, Tamaki Amajiki.

He's a Villain, though you knew that beforehand...

Besides that, you didn't find out to much about him.

Days went on...

And on...

And on.

You kept sta- no... no you weren't stalking him...


Actually, why deny it?

You kept stalking Tamaki, and eventually...

You might have killed a few people.

You hid the bodies in an old warehouse, though each time you got there, you swore there were more bodies than there should be.

You swore you saw Tamaki more and more in your daily life.

Maybe it's because you've been following him around more, so you just notice him more.

One day, as you were dragging another body to the warehouse, you heard someone screaming from inside.

"Whatever that is, it's not a good sign..." You whispered to yourself.

You kept dragging the body inside (as quiet as possible) and then, you heard the screaming stop.

You prepared to attack whoever this was to stop a murder. Even though you're also a technically murderer, you still feel obligated to protect whoever here is being killed.

As you jumped out into the main part of the warehouse, readying your quirk and preparing for a fight...



"I never told you my name, why do you know that?"

"I-I never told you m-mine either..."

Long story short: it turns out you two had both been stalking each other, and Tamaki had been killing people for you.

"W-well, (Y/N)... uh... now what do we do...?" Tamaki asked you.

"...That's a good question." You wanted Tamaki, but... finding out he's like you, you felt... unfulfilled, for some reason. You still love him, but... something just felt different.

"S-so... (Y/N)... d-do you... um... are you in love with me...?" Tamaki nervously asked you.

"Oh yeah, definitely!" You said to him.

"T-that's good... I... I-I was worried you wouldn't feel the same."

"Yeah, I've been stashing my bodies here too."

When you said that, Tamaki's eye's lit up.

"You've...  also killed people!?" He asked you, clearly excited.

"Um, yes." You said. Tamaki did a happy little squeal, and smiled widely, placing both of his hands on his face.

"Oh that's so exciting!" He yelled, happily. "I mean, I was worried you wouldn't like it and then I'd have to kidnap you!"


"But luckily that didn't happen!!" Tamaki ran to you, and hugged you tightly. "I can't wait to start our life together, (Y/N)~!"

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