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You guys really want me to continue the Hawks chapter?


Ok. I'll do it.


----------- ☆~°+*¤ | My defenseless little sister P2 | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"Oh stop crying like that." Keigo demanded. "You're fine, they'll grow back eventually."

You couldn't say anything to him, you could only cry. You felt like a child again...
Yor felt like a weak, defenseless little girl, who could do nothing to stop her brother.

"You should get some sleep, (Y/N)." Keigo told you. "Your first day of school is tomorrow, you wouldn't want to miss that, would you?"

You didn't want to say anything... 

"If you're wondering about UA, don't! I've already selected a safer high school for you to attend!" He explained happily. "No need to thank me."

Keigo left your room, closing thedoor behind him.
Leaving you cying on the floor, in complete darkness.

When you woke up in the morning, the pain in your back had only worsened.

You didn't want to get up.

You just wanted to stay in bed today.

You didn't want anyone to see you like this.

You didn't want anyone besides Keigo to know how weak you truly were.

You'd worked so hard to train yourself, and all of it was for nothing. Sure, your wings may groow back at some point, but... you don't know how long that will take.

And for now, just as your brother has always told you....

You were defenseless.


"(Y/N), get out of bed, you have to go to school."

"N-no..." you sadly said, covering your head with your blanket.

"Get out of bed."

"No." You firmly said.

"What, are you that weak, (Y/N)?" Keigo asked you. "You can't even go to school?"

"Y-yes! Alright?! I admit it!! I... I'm weak. I'm defenseless..." you said, starting to cry under your blanket. "I can't protect myself, I-I've never been able to..."

"Nice to see you finally admitting that." Keigo said. You couldn't see it, due to being under the blanket, but Keigo was smiling. "I'll leave your uniform in here, and I'll make you some breakfast! Sound good, (Y/N)?"

"....ok." you said, knowing that even if you didn't want to, you'd still be going to school today.

You got out of your bed, and got into your school uniform.

It felt strange, not having to worry about your w ings...

You sadly left your bedroom.

"Oh, that uniform really suits you, (Y/N)!" Keigo said upon seeing you, handing you a plate of breakfast food.

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