☆~Neito Monoma~☆

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you ever just fucking v i b e to Amygdala's Rag Doll 'cause like... I do.

Also oops, I uh... I might be simping for Monoma-

☆~°¤ | Dinner | ¤°~☆

"Eat it, (Y/N)." Monoma demanded. "Eat your food. I spent a long time preparing it. It would be rude not to."

You looked down at the plate in front of you, horrified.

On your plate was the bloody, separated arm of your now-dead boyfriend, Todoroki.

You wanted to get out of here. You just couldn't though...

Monoma had tied you to your chair, but let you use your dominant hand. He wanted you to eat the arm.

You just couldn't, though.

You were just crying so much, you didn't want to accept the situation you were in.

"(Y/N). I said: eat your food." Monoma angrily told you.

You couldn't say anything.

You were very hungry, but you... you aren't a cannibal! You can't eat your dead boyfriend's arm,  you just can't!!

"... I'm getting impatient, (Y/N)." Monoma told you. "I'll give you one last chance to eat it voluntarily. Ok?"

You choked on your own breath as you tried your absolute hardest to stop your crying, but you couldn't. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't stop crying.

Maybe it's because of the bloody, dismembered corpse of your boyfriend on the large dining room table.

Monoma got angry.

"Ok, that's it.' He angrily marched over to your side of the table, and picked up the knife and fork he'd wanted you to use. "IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA EAT THE DINNER I SO LOVINGLY PREPARED FOR YOU, I GUESS I'LL JUST HAVE TO FORCE FEED YOU!" He yelled, clearly extremely mad.

He hatefully stabbed the fork into Todoroki's arm, and started cutting into the meat, blood pouring out of the part where he made the small incision.

He pulled the fork out of the arm, and then stabbed ot into the part he'd cut out.

"There we go... a nice piece of meat for you..." Monoma told you, looking at it. He slowly pushed the fork towards you. "Open wide, (Y/N)~!"

You held your lips shut as tight as you possibly could, like a pounting toddler.

You can't let this happen.

Monoma pushed the fork onto your tightly closed lips.

You felt the disgusting squish of the meat on your lips, and you felt your lips become wet with blood.

"Open your mouth, (Y/N)." Monoma told you. You turned your head the other way, trying to show him you don't want this.

But Monoma doesn't care.

He kept trying to get you to eat it, foorcing the fork into your lips.

You felt the cold metal of the fork under your lips, tasting the horrible metalic taste of blood from the meat leaking into your mouth.

"EAT IT, (Y/N)!!" Monoma demanded.

Using his other hand, Monoma grabbed the undersid of your chin, and yanked it downwards, forcing your mouth open.

Holding your mouth open, he pushed the fork forward, and then pulled it back, dragging it against your lower front teeth, letting the piece of human meat fall into your mouth.

Monoma threw the fork backwards, put one hand on the top of your head, and using his other hand, slammed your slower jaw shut so you coldn't spit it out.

"Now swallow it, (Y/N)." Monoma told you.

The metalic taste of blood was worse than before as you felt the chunk of meat. You wanted to vomit.

Monoma got impatient yet again.

His hands let go of your lower jaw and the top of your head, and then he smacked your head backwards with so muchforce that your chair fell  backwards.

When you it the floor, you gulped down the piece of arm meat. You never wanted to puke before, but... there's a first time for everything, since you definitely want to puke now.

Monoma smiled.

Not a normal smile, not normal at all.

He was happy to see you do that.

"There... that wasn't so hard now, was it~?"

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