☆~Tomura Shigaraki~☆

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Requested by: StarDustExtra

My humour peaked in grade three when I came up with the idea of a werewolf who was allergic to dogs and his howls were just him sneezing.

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Gullible | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

You don't know, but someone finds a way into your room at night.

Every night, he'll find a way into your room, and then just... watch you.

He thinks you look cute when you sleep.

Every single night, he'll just stare at you... he'll just stare at you longingly, wishing he had the courage to confess to you.

There was one time he protected you from a home invader while you slept.

But that begs the question... wait, isn't he also a home invader? And the answer is no. At least, he doesn't think so.

As you finished making your dinner, you walked over to your living room, sat down on the couch, and turned on your tv.

As you shoveled your food into your mouth, you flipped through the channels, trying to find something to watch.

Eventually, you landed on a news channel. It's not exciting, but it's something to listen to.

"In other news, multiple reports of a trio of serial killers have been being reported by many people recently. They describe the group as being compromised of two adult men and a teenage girl."

They showed sketches of the suspects.

There was a girl that had two hair buns and an insane expression, a man with severe burn scars, and a man who looked like he'd never used chapstick or moisturizer in his life.

After watching that news report, you found yourself not being able to sleep.

Meaning you witnessed your mysterious stalker.

You heard a window open in the living room.

You decided to just feign sleep. Really, what other option do you have? You're just a normal civilian, who has no experience in self-defense.

Then, someone opened your door, entering your bedroom, and a jolt of fear shot through your body.

"Ah... good evening, my love..."

You wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Are you having a good sleep? Oh, I bet you are." He sighed, contently. "I wonder what you're dreaming about."

After a very one-sided conversation, you heard him leave the room.

"Have a good sleep, my love."


After five minutes, you got out of your bed, now absolutely too scared to sleep.

You walked out of your bedroom, being the idiot that you are.

Everything seemed normal.

Then, when you walked into the kitchen...

You saw a man standing in your kitchen, with greying hair, making something.

"Hm? Someone there?" He asked, turning around. When you saw him, you noticed oh shit, this is one of the three serial killers that news report was talking about. "OH-! (Y-Y/N)...! You... you're awake.... haha, I didn't know that! And now... we're talking. And you aren't asleep. And we're... talking."

You were too scared to say anything.

"I can tell you're scared, but you don't have to be!" He awkwardly laughed. "I'm not gonna hurt you, (Y/N)."

"You don't need to worry..."

"It's not like I'm not gonna hurt you or anything... why are you so scared?"

"You... you won't...?" you asked him.

"Of course not."

"How do I know that...?" You asked.

"Simple. Hold my hand, (Y/N)." He requested, extending his hand.

You nervously grabbed onto the stranger's hand. His skin felt very dry.

"See? I could kill you right now ifI wanted to, (Y/N), but I won't." He explained. You felt scared of that statement, but at the same time... knowing that he's choosing not to kill you felt nice in a way.

God, you were so gullible.

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