☆~Tamaki Amajiki~☆

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This one isn't really yandere, this one's just sad.

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Snow | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

You stumble through the cold dark forest, almost falling over Everytime you took a step.

You were so hungry...

You're trying your hardest to remain conscious.


Why are you in this situation...?

What led to this happening to you?

It's hard to believe this started an entire year ago.

"I'm not going in there." You said, looking at the clearly haunted murder mansion in front of you.

"Awe, why not (Y/N)~?"

"Does the building itself not explain why I don't want to go in there?" You asked. You thought it'd be extremely obvious, but apparently it wasn't.

Given the fact that Vampires roam at night, you've always thought that... that your fear of going outside was somewhat justified.

But... what caused this fear of going outside...?


Your older brother, Tamaki, was killed by a Vampire when you were younger.

You remember that day vividly.

You had gotten lost at night... and you were found by a Vampire.
At just the right time though, Tamaki found you...
He dove on top of you, protecting your body with his, leading the Vampire to attack him instead of you...
Tamaki ended up losing his life to protect you.

And you've always felt responsible for his death. If you just... hadn't gotten lost, then... Tamaki would still be here...

Ever since that day, you'd hated going outside, even when it wasn't night.

You just... wanted to stay inside... forever.

You only went outside for school and family events.

Somehow, three of your friends convinced you to come outside with them.

"Come on (Y/N)! Let's go!"

"Can I just go back home...?" You asked. "I wanna go back inside..."

"Just this once! Please?"

You went quiet.

Your friends hadn't seen you in who knows how long. They just want to hang out with you, like when you were all kids...

"...fine." You said. "But the moment something happens we get out of there, alright?"

"Got it! Come on let's go inside!!"

You nervously walked inside with your three friends.

You really didn't want to be here...

But, seeing your friends again... for some reason, you started thinking back to when you were younger, to a conversation you had with Tamaki.
He had to leave for a while, a long while.

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