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I know that there's basically nothing in canon that implies this, but I really like the idea of Kiri having younger siblings :3

Anyways Mirko is hot & I love her

(I don't know if this chapter is good, really sorry if it isn't...)

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Mine now | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

You were cowering in the basement, looking at your friends' rotting dead bodies.

You'd been locked down here for... you don't know how long it had been.

You don't remember the last time you saw the sun.

You've been in these chains for so long...

Were you even yourself anymore...?

Suddenly, you heard something upstairs. Something that was too loud to be only one person.

"P-PLEASE! HELP ME!" You screamed as loud as you could. You knew your captor would punish you if you screamed, but you took the risk...

And then...

The door at the top of the stairs finally opened by someone other than your captor.

You were so overwhelmed with emotions, that you just started crying.

That person yelled for someone else who was with them, before running down the stairs to you.

Soon after, a tall muscular lady with bunny ears came down the stairs as well.

"Hey, you're gonna be ok." She said, wiping the tears from your eyes for you.

She calmed you down while you waited for paramedics and police to arrive. Apparently,  your captor had been knocked out by the strong rabbit lady.

And you weren't in the best shape either. You were malnourished, your skin was irritated from being in chains for so long, you had a vitamin d deficiency from not seeing the sun for so long...

Yeah, not too great, huh?

While in the hospital, the rabbit lady visited you. You found out her name was Rumi Usagiyama, and she was known as the Rabbit Hero, Mirko.

"So, who are you?" She asked you.

"...I don't know." You quietly responded. "I don't remember."

"You don't remember your name?" She asked. "So just how long were you held captive?"

"I lost track of time." You explained.

"Alright, so we've gotten nowhere. We don't know your name, or how long you were kept there." She said. "I'm sure we'll make progress soon. Why don't we call you '(Y/N)' for now?"

"I'd be fine with that..." you said, smiling slightly.

Since you had nowhere else to go, Mirko let you stay with her.

And, your first day of trying to live a normal life... didn't go too well.

You just sat on the couch, waiting for Mirko to return.

After a few hours, she came back.

"So, (Y/N), what'd you do while I was out?"

"I just sat here."

"Uh...did you eat anything?"


Yeah, you had a hard time adjusting to a normal life again.

Bjt now, three months later, you were doing much better! You now knew how to take care of yourself without being instructed to, and that was an improvement compared to how you were when they found you!

Unfortunately,  they still hadn't found out who you actually were.

But, honestly, you were fine with that. It was hard for you to imagine being named something other than (Y/N), that name just kinda... felt right.

One night, while you were sleeping, Rumi received a phone call.

"You know (Y/N), right?"

"Yeah, of course I do. I've been living with her for three months."

"Well, I have some good news for you! We found out who (Y/N) really is!"

"You did? Well, good for you."

Then, she hung up the phone.

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