♤~Shouto Todoroki~♤

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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

Ehehe I have a fun little idea for a zombie apocalypse AU story if you want that >:3

Unrelated, if it's night where you live, gn! And if it's morning where you live, good morning!

----------- ☆~°¤ | Healer | ¤°~☆ ------------ 

Shouto was so focused on the throbbing pain caused by his broken wrist, until... he set eyes on that boy with green hair.

Once he got his wrist healed, he asked Recovery Girl about that boy.

"Who is that...?"

"Ah, that's my grandson, Izuku." Recovery Girl explained. "His quirk is like a stronger version of mine, and for the longest time, has wanted to be a healer like I am."

Shouto seemed to be entranced by this boy's clumsy movements, trying not to knock anything over as he searched through a cupboard.

Recovery Girl shoved a granola bar into Shouto's hands as he focused on Izuku.

Whenever Shouto had to go to the nurse's office, he saw Izuku.

And each time he went there, he just wanted to stay longer.

It got to a point where Shouto started injuring himself on purpose, just so he could go to the nurse's office and see Izuku.

"Bakugou, can you break my arm?" Shouto asked his classmate one day.

"...What?" Bakugou asked you in response.

"Come on, please just... just do it."

"I mean... sure, I'll do it, but... why do you want me to?"

"You don't have to know that."

"Are you... into that sorta shit?" Bakugou asked. "Because if you get hard over me breaking your arm, I'm leaving."

"I won't, just do it already, ok?!"

Shouto made his way to the nurse's office.

When he opened the door (with the arm that wasn't broken), he saw Izuku sitting in a chair, focused on his phone. When he noticed Shouto there, he smiled, and waved slightly.

"Where's Recovery Girl?" Shouto asked.

"W-well... my grandma's sick right now... I'll be working in her place! At least for now." Izuku explained.

"Ah, ok. Well, I'm just here to get my broken arm fixed, and I'll be on my way." Shouto said, pointing to his arm.

"Got it!" Izuku stood up from his chair, walked over to Shouto, and gave him a kiss on his arm.

Shouto felt like he wanted more than just a small kiss on the arm.

And you know what he did? He paid someone to break his jaw.

Yeah sure, he's in a lot of pain, but it'll be worth it in the end.

"Shouto sure gets hurt a lot..." Izuku said to himself, looking at Shouto's (seemingly) unconscious body. "Ugh... I don't wanna kiss someone who's unconscious! That just seems wrong!"

He debated with himself, before sighing, and finally deciding to do it.

He leaned in...

And he kissed Shouto on the lips.

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