♤~Katsuki Bakugou~♤

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Requested by Kamiko_1234

I got barely any sleep last night, so today I'm kinda just... blegh.

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Cursed | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"If you really want to be a Hero... I actually have a solution for you!"
"Maybe if you pray your absolute hardest, and jump off the school's roof... you'll be lucky enough to have a quirk in your next life!"

As Katsuki left school for the day, he couldn't help but wonder... was it wrong to tell Deku to kill himself like that?

"I doubt he'll take it seriously..." he whispered to himself.

Oh, if only he knew how wrong he was.

Right then, something hit the sidewalk in front of him.

Well, not something... it was actually... someone.

Everyone around him was freaking out (which makes sense, given what they just saw happen), but Katsuki was just standing there in shock, not wanting to believe this was real.

But unfortunately, it was real.


Deku had jumped off the roof of the building.

So many memories rushed back to him as he looked at the body.

The many nights the two of them spent in the the hospital while Deku slowly died.
And the night he put that poor boy out of his misery.

The day Deku said the words "I love you, Kacchan" as he spit up flowers, and went limp in Katsuki's arms.

The day that Yamikumo got hit by a bus because he noticed Katsuki across the street, and wanted to talk.

The times he's watched Deku kill himself.

The time he stabbed Deku to death.
The multiple times he's stabbed him to death, actually.

He  remembered every single time he'd watched Deku die.

"Why can't this just stop already...?" Katsuki asked himself. "Why do we keep going through this... why do I always have to kill him...?"


"Stupid witch... she couldn't've just let us live our lives, huh...?"

Why is this happening?

Well, these two just so happened to be cursed.

Yes, you heard that right. They were cursed.

A witch was jealous of the two, and so cursed them to keep being reborn again, and again, and again. But that's not all... the witch made sure that no matter what, Katsuki will always be the reason Deku dies.


There was a knock at his bedroom door.

"Katsuki...? You ok? You've been in your room for two days now..." he heard his dad say, clearly concerned for his son.

"I'M FINE, LEAVE ME ALONE." Katsuki angrily yelled from inside his room.

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