☆~Hitoshi Shinsou & Denki Kaminari~☆

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Requested by: ShinsouHitoshi2021

There's a few Danganronpa references in this chapter, hope you don't mind

Also, had to get a Covid test, and uh... well I didn't expect it to feel that way. Like, I expected it to be a bit uncomfortable, but wow.

Male reader

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Our New Home! | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"You're sure?"

"I'm absolutely sure."

"I don't want our plan to fail because of how dumb you are, so again... you sure this is the route (Y/N) takes to school...?"

"Yes! 100%- actually- more than 100%! 500%! Even more than that!"

"Hm. You're very confident, Kaminari."

"Of course I'm confident, Shinsou! I mean, I have been watching (Y/N) for a while now... two years, if I'm remembering right."

"Yeah, you did tell me that."

"Mhm! (Y/N) and I went to the same middle school, Kyouhaku Junior High, and during our last year there we both had the same homeroom class... that was when I started following everything he did. I even know where (Y/N) lives!"

"So you... started stalking him?"

"You act like that's a bad thing when, if you need a reminder, you're literally asking me what route (Y/N) takes to school."

"...good point."

"Bye Dad!" You yelled. "I'm heading off!"

You left the house before he could ask you if you remembered everything. You did, you were sure of it.

"At 6:30am, (Y/N) leaves his house to head to school."

You walked down the sidewalk, and realized how hungry you were, so you decided to take your usual detour.

"At 6:50am, he takes a detour and goes down Akamatsu street to visit the cafe and get himself breakfast."

"That was some nice food!" You said to yourself, standing up from your seat, and leaving some money on the table.

You picked up your backpack, and exited the cafe.

"Due to the detour, (Y/N) knows he might arrive late, so to prevent that, he cuts through Owari crescent. From there, he stops to have a small chat with a couple that lives on that street."

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka!" You said, waving happily at the recently married couple.

You had a short, but sweet, demonic chat with the two of them.

"You remind me a bit of one of my classmates, Mr. Tanaka." You told him, thinking about your friend with the bird head. "Well then, I'm off!"

"After chatting with the Tanakas, (Y/N) will continue his walk to school. On his way there, he actually passes Kyouhaku Junior High, and stops for a minute or so to look at it... that's at about 7:15am."

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