♤~Katsuki Bakugou~♤

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 Requested by: Kamiko_1234

So. I have started watching Demon Slayer. I'm on episode seven, and I really like it so far!

And, I was kinda wondering... do you guys have any show suggestions for me? I've been extremely bored recently, and it'd be nice to have new things to watch ^^

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Cursed P2 | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

Has the cycle finally been broken...?

Has the curse been lifted...?

Aside from Deku always falling in love with Katsuki, and always being killed by Katsuki, there are a few other things that are always the same during the cycle.

The two of them will always be childhood friends, they will always have some sort of falling-out, their names for each other will always be the same, and no matter what... Katsuki will always fall off of some sort of bridge, and Deku will always come to help him.

He thought back to that sentence he'd heard so many times before...

"Do you need help, Kacchan?"

So many things haven't happened this time.

The strangest, at least to Katsuki, was the fact that... Deku hasn't once referred to him as 'Kacchan'.

Katsuki, Deku, and Ochako had been separated from the other three people in their group. Those three being Tenya, Shouto, and Eijiro.

They were in a beautiful forest. It was nice and cool because of the shade from the thick trees, small beams of sunlight poking out through the leaves.

"So, how does a farmer boy know a mage?" Katsuki asked.

"Oh! Actually, Ochako here is a childhood friend of mine!" Deku happily responded, a warm smile on his face. "Her and I actually have dumb little nicknames for eachother that we've used since childhood, but... I don't know, it just feels embarrassing to say that name in front of a king..."

"Yeah, Deku and I have known eachother since we were kids." Ochako added. "We lived very close to eachother, and Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya were pretty much like my... secondary parents, if that makes any sense!" She cutely giggled. "In fact, his mom was the one who taught me how to use magic!"

Katsuki stayed silent. No, there's no way it's what he thinks it is.

Out of the corner of his eye, Katsuki noticed an old, wooden bridge.

There's still a chance.

"The town's that way!" Katsuki said confidently, pointing in the direction of the bridge.

"Really? I-I don't know, lord Katsuki...." Deku began, looking at the wooden bridge. "That looks really old... like it could fall apart at any second!"

"What? You think a little fall like that is gonna hurt me?" Katsuki asked, mockingly. "How weak do you think I am?"

He confidently stepped onto the old bridge.


As all three of them walked across the bridge, the wood gave out from under them.

And... Katsuki and Ochako fell down into the river below.

The water wasn't that deep, luckily, and in all honesty... the water felt very nice.

"A-ah! Are you two ok?!" Deku yelled, sounding worried for the two of them. He made  his way down to go help them.

"This is it... the cycle has clearly been broken, and now that he's coming to help me after falling... we can finally get on with a normal life. We can finally have a happy ending."

But then... something happened that he didn't expect.

Deku walked right past Katsuki, as if he weren't even there.

"Do you need help, Ochan?" Deku asked Ochako, extending his hand for her to grab.

"Y-yeah, thanks Deku..." she said, grabbing his hand and standing up. "My leg hurts a lot, but I should be fine..."

"Here, hold onto me to keep yourself steady!"

"Thank you, Deku..."

The two walked over to Katsuki.

"And you, lord Katsuki? You're ok, right?" Deku asked.


"I'm fine. I don't need your help."

"Oh, that's good to hear!"

The cycle was broken, but not the way he wanted it to.

"Whenever I kill Deku, the cycle resets, right...?" Katsuki whispered to himself, looking at the knife he was holding, and at Deku peacefully sleeping. "That means... that means I could... I could reset everything, and then Deku and I... we could finally have a happy ending where we get to be together..."

He lowered the knife, placing the blade on Deku's neck.

"That's right... this is my only option."

Katsuki pushed the knife down, slicing Deku's throat open.

Three days passed, as usual.

Ochako found out about the death, and in her anger, killed Katsuki for revenge, knowing he was the one who killed him.

But the cycle didn't reset.

It had finally been broken, never to repeat again.

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