♤~Eijiro Kirishima~♤

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----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Problem Solved! | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"Todoroki, don't think for a second we're friends, because we aren't, but I need to ask you something." Kirishima asked.

"Oh, you do?" Todoroki was intrigued. "Go ahead."

"I only entered UA to impress Ashido, but... nothing I do is working." Kirishima explained. "And now, I have... other feelings... I don't know if it's the same feeling I have for Ashido, but it feels similar... the only difference is that it's for someone else..."

"If it's love you're having problems with, why are you asking me?" Todoroki asked, self-aware of the fact that he isn't the best person to ask about something like this.

"I-it's not love!" Kirishima blurted out.

"Well, if it's an ambiguous-feeling-that-is-definitely-not-love you're having problems with, go ask Uraraka." Todoroki said. "She's the expert on these things. But despite that, she still can't say anything to Yamikumo. I know you're more confident, though, so I know you won't have that problem."

"Todoroki, I can't talk to her! She'll tell everyone!"

"Will she? She's actually very good at keeping secrets, I should know." Todoroki said. "I've told her almost everything about my personal life, and... quick question, Kirishima, how much do you know about my personal life? How many siblings do I have? What's my parents marital status? What are my parent's Quirks? How many cats do I have? Where did I get this scar? Wh-"

"Alright I get it you proved your point." Kirishima said, annoyed. "I GUESS I'll go ask her..."

When nobody would see him, Kirishima made his way to talk to Uraraka, the class's so called 'love expert'. That's what everyone called her, at least... sadly, she can't do anything about her own crush...

"Hey, Uraraka... Todoroki told me you could keep a secret." Kirishima began.

"Wow. Never expected you of all people to talk to me." She said in disbelief. "A-anyways, yeah! I'm great at keeping secrets!"

"And you're... good with love, right."

"Huh? Where's this going? But, yeah, I suppose... or a least, that's what everyone else thinks." Uraraka explained. "I don't think I'm that good, but-"

"I think I might like someone in our class, but I like someone else as well, but that other person doesn't like me back, and yet I can't get over my feelings for them to move onto this new person." Kirishima explained. "What should I do...?"

"Uh, that's a lot..." Uraraka said to herself, trying to piece together the story. "So, you like someone in this class, but they don't like you back... but you like a new person... but at the same time, you can't move on from your feelings for the first person?" She asked, making sure she understood. Kirishima nodded, confirming that Uraraka got it right. "Ok... well, I think you should try your best to get over your feelings, and then focus on getting this new person to like you. I don't know if that's good advice, but I don't know how else to phrase it..."

"Thanks I guess..." Kirishima said, walking away. After hearing her advice, he actually knew exactly what to do.

He knew exactly what he was going to do.

First step: get over your feelings.

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