☆~Kendo Rappa~☆

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I tried my best but it's not good ughhhhhhh

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Take me as well! | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

A secret illegal fighting ring.

You can't fight, but you wanted to die, so... you decided to join.

You only realized you didn't want to die, at least not yet, when you almost got your skull bashed in by a very tall man.

You squeezed your eyes shut and raised your arms in front of your forehead, knowing it was useless.

For some reason, you didn't feel anything hit you.

"If you're not even gonna try to fight, leave." He told you. "I want a real fight to the death, and you clearly can't give me that."

"You... don't want to kill me...?" You nervously asked.

"No, you clearly won't give me a good fight." He said. "They probably won't let you leave until one of us is either dead or unconscious, so I'm still gonna fight you, but you won't give me a fulfilling fight, so I'll go easier on you than I normally would."

And then you got the absolute shit beaten out of you.

You woke up in a hospital the next day.

The doctor explained to you that a very strong and tall man carried you here some time last night, claiming you were mugged by a Villain and needed serious medical attention.

Acording to the x-rays they took, your arm and a few of your ribs were broken, but besides that you were fine.

Once you were allowed to leave the hospital, you couldn't stop thinking about the man who apparently brought you to the hospital.

Very strong and tall... was it the man who fought you...? Probably not, but...

What if it was...?

When night fell, you made your way to that place.

There was a fight underway, between the man who fought you, and some other random person.

You watched the fight, almost entranced.

Eventually, you asked the person beside you about just who that man was.

"WHAT?! YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW?!" They asked, in complete shock. "If this were a musical, right about now, everyone watching the fight go down would begin singing together about him, but unfortunately... this isn't a musical..." they said, disappointed. "I'll just tell you normally. That's Kendo Rappa, probably the strongest person here. He's fought, like, three hundred or so people, and hasn't lost once! Impresssive, right?"

"Yeah, definitely..." you said.

When the match was over, you wanted to talk to him.

"H-hey! Your name is Rappa, right?" You excitedly asked, following him as you two left the location.

"Depends, who wants to know?" He asked.

"The person you fought-"

"Shut up!" He whisper-yelled. "That fight only exists in that building, you can't talk about it anywhere else!"

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