☆~Eijiro Kirishima~☆

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Just so you know, I might not update this for a while, I feel like focusing on my other books for a bit.

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Bittersweet Reunion | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

His last thoughts are of you.

Worrying for you.

Wondering if you'll be safe.

He wishes he could see you one last time...

Maybe warn you about what's to come...

But as he slowly bleeds out, he resigns to the truth that... he can't.

And as that hopeless reality sets in... his life slips away from him.

You wake up with a terrible headache.


You had that weird dream again.

For some reason, you've been dreaming about a boy with red hair recently. You've never seen him before, so... why...?

You sighed, and got out of bed.

You're supposed to be going to a new school today, so that should be exciting...

You walked to school in the rain, bored out of your mind.

'I wish something exciting would happen in my life...'

You'd lived the most basic life a person could.


If only you knew.

"Class, we have a new student today." The teacher turned to you, gesturing for you to come in. "Would you like to introduce yourself?

"Not really..." You responded.

You nervously stepped inside, and looked at he people in the class.

Hey, wait a minute...

That boy in the second row... the one with the red hair...

That's the boy you've been dreaming about recently.

This... this has to be a coincidence, right?


Yeah, that's what it is.

Nothing more.





As you sat at your lunch table, that red haired boy from earlier came over and sat at your table.

"U-um... you... I know you didn't really introduce yourself earlier, and I'm sorry if this is an invasion of privacy, but..." he took a deep breath, looked away, and whispered "Your... name wouldn't happen to be... (Y/N) (L/N)... w-would it...?"

You were shocked.

You have constant dreams about a boy with red hair, then you meet him in real life, and he knows your name even though you didn't introduce yourself??

"That... yeah, that's my name." You said.

"...I knew it." He said to himself, sadly smiling. "(Y/N), do you... d-do you remember what happened...?"

"What... what do you mean...?" You asked.

"Oh. So you don't, yet..." he sadly sighed, standing up from the seat. "Sorry for wasting your time, (Y/N)."

"Wait, what was this about?!" You asked him.

"Nothing... it's not important." He told you.

"Hey! At least tell me your name!" You yelled.

"Oh." He nervously laughed. "Sorry, just with earlier and you not introducing yourself and all that, I just expected you not to care." He turned around, preparing to walk away. "My name's Eijiro Kirishima."

As he walked away from your table, you felt... strange.

You felt like you'd heard that name before, even though you certainly never have.


Why do you feel like this...?

The school day went on... mostly normally... and when you got home, you decided you just wanted to sleep.

So that's what you did.

You shot awake in the middle of the night.

You were in tears.

You had a dream... where you walked in on Eijiro's dead body...

It just looked too realistic... there's no way that was just a dream...

You ended up telling Eijiro about your dream last night...

He hugged you tightly after you told him.


"I'm sorry..." he whispered, starting to cry. "I-I'm sorry for letting you die like that (Y/N)...!"


"I-if I had known what would happen... I would have never suggested we stay there!" His voice broke as he cried into your shoulder.

And all of a sudden...

So many memories came rushing back to you.

One such memory being...

The night of your own murder.

You wanted your life to be more exciting, right?

This is exciting, right?



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