☆~Eijiro Kirishima~☆

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Final oneshot of this book! I can't believe I'm done two books already...
Anyways, next chapter will be a special announcement!

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | True love | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

One day, while walking in the forest, you came across someone bleeding out on the ground.

He looked to be on the verge of death, like he had been mauled by a bear.

For some reason he was completely naked.

You had been wearing a cloak, so you took it off on yourself, and put it on him so that he'd be covered up. Thankfully, the cloak was long enough to cover his... *aHEM* waist.

Just what the Hell happened to this guy?

Why did he try to take on a bear completely naked?

...oh well, those questions can wait.

You'll ask him when he wakes up.

For now, you should get him to a healer.

"Ah good evening, (L/N), I wasn't expecting anyone this late..." The healer said.

"Yeah, hi Ms. Fukukado!" You said. "Um, so, I found this guy in the forest, he's not doing to well..." you said, looking at his passed out face. He would look so peaceful, if it weren't for the fact that he was suffering multiple injuries. "Y-you can help him, right...?"

"Of course I can!" Ms. Fukukado said proudly. "I'll fix him up best I can! By tomorrow, all of his injuries will be healed, I promise!"

"Thank you..." you said, placing him down on the bed in the center of the room.

"(L/N), you should head home and get some rest, it's pretty late." Ms. Fukukado told you. "And staying up all night worrying will only be bad for you in the future."

"...yeah, I guess you have a point." You admitted.

You made your way back home, and per Ms. Fukukado's request, went to bed.

You drank a sleeping potion, and in no time at all, you were asleep.

You always had a very hard time sleeping, so you're very lucky sleeping potions exist.

You had the strangest dream that night...

You were in the forest, in the middle of the night.

It was so peaceful, there were no sounds, except for the rushing water of the waterfall, and various animals...

You sat down on a rock near the waterfall, listening to the calm sound of rushing water. Strangely enough, the sound seemed quieter than normal.

Everything was so peaceful...

And then suddenly, a Dragon fell out of the sky, screaming out in pain.

You wanted to run towards it and help, but it was like you'd been completely paralyzed, and you had to watch as the creature died a horribly painful death.

While it was still alive and screaming, it's body suddenly began to split apart, and blood spilled out all over the forest floor.

Finally, it died. The two halves of the body fell to the ground, and now that the screaming was gone, you could hear something breathing.

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