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Mmmmmm hongry

(Bee tee dubs TW for self harm)

----------- ☆~°¤ | Blocked | ¤°~☆ ------------

Tonight, you got a text from an unknown number.

[???????? - 12:05am]


Is this the right person?

This is (Y/N), right?

How do they know your name? Are they stalking you? Maybe.

You decide to not respond.

They just kept texting "respond, (Y/N)" over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over....

You decided to just power off your phone for the night.

And then, you tried your best to sleep.

When you woke up, you completely forgot about last night.

You got ready for school, grabbed your phone, and left the house, forgetting to have breakfast.

You started wondering why your phone was powered off, not just shut off, so you turned it back on.

When you saw the 500 notifications you received overnight, you quickly remembered why you powered off your phone last night.

When you got to school and opened  you locker, you found... well, something you didn't expect to find in your school locker.

A plate of food.

You also saw a note.

Good morning, (Y/N)

I was sad you didn't respond last night, but I won't hold it against you!

You were probably just tired, and fell asleep before you could respond.

Anyways, knowing you, you didn't eat anything this morning, did you?

So I decided to (lovingly)make this nice, warm breakfast for you, dear!

Even if you are creeped out, you're also very hungry, soooooooo....

You walked to class, carrying the plate.

The food... didn't taste the best, but it was edible, and right now, just 'edible' is fine.

"Uhhh... what the fuck??" Bakugou was the first person who noticed. "Is that allowed? W-why do you have that?!"

"I don't know. I just found it in my locker." You shoved some more of the food in your mouth.

"Wh- and you're just eating it? How fucking dumb are you? It could be poisoned, of spoiled."

"About that second question: very." You responded.

"Oh wow." Todoroki said, walking in the room, looking at you. "That looks like it tastes terrible. Is... i-is someone forcing you to eat that???"

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