☆~Shouto Todoroki~☆

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Ok here's a sad one :3

I'm gonna go play some Castle Crashers now B)

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Draining You... P2 | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"So, miss (L/N), your injuries seemed very... strange to me." The doctor told you. "If you don't  mind, I'd like to ask you about them."


If you say you don't want to answer, it'll seem suspicious.

But then again, if you do answer...

"Miss (L/N)?" The doctor asked again.

"I-it was a snake!" You said in a panic. "I was hiking with my boyfriend, and a snake attacked me!"

"Was it poisonous?"

"I can only assume it wasn't."

"What kind of snake?"

"What kind of-?" Well, you've been backed into a corner. "I... I don't really know my snake species too well..." You said.

"Oh, understandable! But why didn't you kill it? Was it too large? It seems like, if it wasn't, that would have been an easy solution..."

"Oh that option must have slipped my mind, I guess..."

"Mhm, just remember to kill it next time, miss (L/N)."


"Humans solve problems with violence. That's just how they are. Us Vampires, however... we don't think like they do."

"What about mom? She doesn't-"

"No matter how a Human seems, they're all the same, Shouto. You are never to speak with one."

"But... aren't I Human, dad...?"

"You may be. Being a Human is just as simple as having a disease. And like most diseases, you need to be cured, Shouto."

"... Cured...?"


He's been through so much.

You've always felt bad for him, knowing everything that had happened...

"My mom... she once created some kind of water.  She intended on using it to kill my father, but... I walked in on her while she was making it, and she panicked, and... splashed it on my face."

"I never exactly  knew my siblings... my father always told me not to talk to Humans, so I hardly ever talked to either of them."

"I... I actually had three older siblings, (Y/N)... my oldest brother, Touya... he was also 'cured' like I was. He was truly miserable afterwards. He tried killing himself a few times, one time in front of all of us. And then... when I was 'cured'... he tried killing me so I wouldn't have to live like this. I only survived because of my older sister, Fuyumi. Shortly after that, Touya ran into the woods, and I haven't seen him since."

"Every Human I've met has tried to kill me. I'm glad you're different, (Y/N)..."

And then... knowing this is how things ended...

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