☆~Todoroki siblings~☆

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Requested by: happy_weirdio

(Sorry if this is bad, I'm kinda tired, but really wanted to finish this before I went to sleep)

Hey so I was looking for pics of the 3 Todoroki siblings together, and I saw one pic and, I just have to ask (uh please excuse my language) why does Fuyumi have such big bazoingas.

(Oh yeah, and uhm, its platonic :P)

☆~°¤ | Antother Kid...? | ¤°~☆

Things were getting better.

Rei was finally home from the hospital, Enji was trying his hardest to be a better father, the three siblings were bonding with each other, and everyone was.... happy.

It looked like the Todorokis were finally going to be the happy family they never got to be.


But the siblings noticed strange things happening to their mom.

She was more tired than usual.

She was puking quite a bit.

She complained about cramps often.

She was looking in the mirror more often than normal.

She started having strange mood swings.

She wanted food she didn't usually like.

She was buying a lot of things, but hiding all of the things she bought from the kids.

And those were only some of the strange things that were happening with her.

"I think mom might be pregnant." Fuyumi told her two younger brothers.

"Really?" Natsuo asked.

"Yes. It's the only solution I can think of that explains everything!"

"Why don't you just ask her if you're right?"

"What? No, Natsu, I'm not doing that!" Fuyumi whisper-yelled at him. "If you wanna ask so badly why don't you ask her?"

"Me? Oh no, no no no, I'm a guy, it'd just look weird."

"... You're a med student."

"I know, but-" Natsuo couldn't think of anything to say. He sighed, and turned to where his brother was sitting. "Shotuo, what do- hey wait a sec..."

Shouto wasn't there.

After a few minutes, he walked back, and sat back down.

"While you two were arguing, I went to ask mom."


"Yep. You were right, Fuyumi."

There's gonna be a fifth Todoroki sibling...?

But why?

That is... a good question. Why did Rei and Enji decide to have another kid? Who knows.

So who was that kid?

You. (Y/N) Todoroki.

Unlike what the siblings worried, nothing terrible happened when you were born. The family actually just kept acting like a normal family (well, as normal as it could be), even with this new addition.

You were treated like a normal child,  unlike how your older siblings had been treated.

Shouto, Fuyumi, and Natsuo still didn't exactly trust your father to be alone with you, though.

You looked a lot like Rei, but had red hair with small patches of white in it. Your eyes were a greyish blue shade, and your skin always felt really warm.

And then, when you were four years old, while hanging out with Natsuo, something happened.

You suddenly set your hand on fire.

"Natsuo! Look!" You yelled. He set his phone down on the table, and then looked at your hand, shocked.

 "What the...?"

Your fire was blue. And it was very hot. And it hurt.

It hurt a lot.

It hurt so much, but you didn't know how to put it out.

"Shit- a-alright, calm down (Y/N)! It's ok! You'll be ok! Uh..." Natsuo looked around for something. "There!" He grabbed a glass of water off of the table, and poured the water onto your hand.

You two looked at your burnt hand.

"Maybe we should get you to the doctor's...." Natsuo said to you.

Natsuo drove you to the hospital, since the burn on your hand looked... bad, to say the least.

When your parents arrived, they asked Natsuo what had happened.

"I was cooking, and (Y/N) accidentally burnt herself." Natsuo lied. "I'm sorry, I should have looked after her better..."

He won't be able to hide that blue fire of yours forever.

But... he wants to keep you safe for as long as possible.

He called Fuyumi later, to discuss what to do.

"It's about (Y/N)..."

"Oh? What about her?"

"She developed her quirk today, and... it was... it was like Touya's. It was blue fire, and it hurt her. I lied to dad, and just said she burnt herself while I was cooking, I... Fuyumi, I don't want (Y/N) to end up like Touya..."

"I'm... I'm sure she won't. E-everything's gonna be fine."

"But how do we know that? How do we know that dad won't "train" (Y/N) like he did with Touya and Shouto?!"

"... I don't... I wish I did... I wish I knew dad wouldn't do that again, but..."

"So what do we do...?"

"What do we do.....?"

"I know. Always have at least one of us around (Y/N) at all times. I know that won't work, but It's work a try..."

"I suppose."

They just need to protect you.

Even though, in reality, you don't need protection from anything.

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