☆~Denki Kaminari~☆

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So, I wanted to try something!

You, as (Y/N), still exist, but you're not the one being yandere-ed. Instead, you... well... you'll see~

Fun idea, if I do say so myself ùwú

Oh, also, I just found out that uh... the first Fnaf game came out 7 years ago, and... I feel old now :(

☆~°¤ | The Truth | ¤°~☆

You're the child of two pro Heroes, Chargebolt and Pinky.

Your family moved to (home country) before you were born, and you've lived there your whole life.

You've never really questioned anything about your life.

You never questioned why your parents decided to move to (home country).

You never questioned why your dad never let you look in the box labeled "for (Y/N)".

You never questioned why your eyes are red when both of your parent's eyes are yellow.

You never questioned why your quirk has nothing to do with electricity.

You never questioned why you don't look like your dad in any way.

You stabbed at thee food on your plate with your fork, finally starting to question things.

"Hey mom..." you began. "Is... is Denki really my dad...?" You asked. You wanted to know. Too many things just don't line up... your red eyes, your hair being a very dark pink shade (almost black, actually), your quirk... you finally felt like you needed to know.

Your mom looked shocked, like she didn't want to answer...

Eventually, she looked at you, and nervously smiled.

"W-well of course he is. Why... why wouldn't he be...?" She slowly asked.

You realized that you're probably not going to get the truth, and decided to give up on asking.

One day, your parents had to leave for a week, for a special event for Heroes in a different country, leaving you home alone.

That box, the one for you... it probably has the answers you need, doesn't it?

And if your parents are gone for a week, this is your chance to find out.

You made your way to the basement, and found your box.

It was large, and heavy, like there was a lot of stuff in it.

You pulled it upstairs, wondering what could be in it.

Sitting in the living room, you grabbed a knife, and opened the box, cutting into the tape.

It's strange. It almost looks like it had been opened before. Not opened before as in when they were packing it, it looked like someone had cut open the tape before, and then put it back.

You opened the cardboard flaps, and looked at everything inside.

One of the things was a note.

To you, my future kid.

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