☆~The Bakusquad~☆

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Requested by: alarmclox

Yes, all of them.

Hey guys, I just wanna tell you that Kirishima theoretically cannot be stabbed to death. Even if the knife pierces his skin, he could (potentially) harden his internal organs. I didn't know what to do with this information, so I decided to pass it onto you!

----------- ☆~°¤ | Get What You Deserve | ¤°~☆ ------------

Your way-too-small-to-be-a-teenager classmate suddenly grabs one of your breasts, and squeezes it. You slap him across the face.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" You ask, angry at him.

Mineta raises a hand to his face, right where you slapped him, giggling quietly to himself.

"She hit me!" He whispered to himself, sounding way too into it...

You let out a disgusted "ugh" before turning back to your boring work.

"This shit's gone on too long." The angry blonde said to the group.

"Yeah, I mean... I kinda understand him sometimes, but..." The other blonde boy sighed. "Even I think that's going too far."

"Denki's a perv sometimes, but at least he understands that that's kinda sexual assault..." The entirely pink one adds.

"Thanks, Mina..."

"So what should we do?" The black haired boy asked.

"Well, I think I have a good idea!" The red haired boy- sorry, I meant man excitedly responded. "What if we make him... disappear for a while? And while he's gone, it turns out he's actually at my place, and I give him lessons on how to respect women?"

"Ooh! Good idea, Kiri!" Denki said, proud of his friend. "But... knowing Mineta, I don't know if that'd work..."

"So... what do we do...?" Sero asked.

"Well, I agree with Kirishima's idea of making the Grapist... disappear." Bakugou began. "Only... I don't think it should just be temporary."

The group turned to him, confused.

"Does not one understand what I mean?" Bakugou asked. "Fine. I'm saying we should kill the Grapist."

"Kill him?!" Kirishima asked. "B-but... aren't we Heroes...?"

"Psh, Heroes can kill people, Eiji." Mina told her friend. "Especially if it's someone who's committed crimes, which Mineta technically has."

"Oh. Well in that case, I'm in!"

"I'm in too!" Denki added.

"I kinda assumed so, Elec Man." Bakugou said, unimpressed.

"So are we all for killing him?" Sero asked.

Everyone seemed to agree.

The next day, uh...

They might have taken things a bit too far...

Like, for an example, they (and by they, I mostly mean Bakugou) cut Mineta's balls off with a pair of scissors and made him eat it.


His corpse had been dismembered too, and the parts were hung up all around the dorms.

They had also made him drink acid.

How... fun.

"I can't say I don't think he deserved it, but..." You looked at the various Mineta parts. "This is a bit, uh... harsh."

"Really? I think he had it coming." Mina said.

Mina smirked. The plan worked perfectly!

Each of the group did something to help. So what did they do?

Denki lured out Mineta, Mina was responsible for making him drink acid, Bakugou did the at-home vasectomy, Kirishima cut up the body, and Sero was the one who placed the body parts all around.

Everything worked out in the end.

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