☆~The Big Three~☆

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Requested by: Snowcloud5

Yes all three of them

I have a really sad idea for a chapter, and I just wanna know... do you guys want me to do it? >:3

Because if so (and even I not), that's gonna be the next chapter~

Oh!! And also! I just got my second Covid shot!

----------- ☆~°¤ | Friends! | ¤°~☆ ------------

You realize your phone is ringing.

Who could it be?


"Jesus Nejire, that was so loud..." you responded. "But, no... not yet. Starting to worry it won't arrive."

"Awe, I'm sure it'll come soon... just remember to tell me when it does!"

And then she hangs up. 

You're waiting on an acceptance letter from UA. Your best friend since childhood, Nejire Hado, already got hers.

You're just sitting in anticipation, waiting. You're starting to think you failed the entrance exam...

"Hey (Y/N), you got a letter." You heard your mom say, coming in your room, and handing you an envelope. "It's weirdly heavy."

You nervously opened the envelope...

You picked up your phone, and called Nejire.


"Yes (Y/N)?"

"I... I-I...."

"You what?"

"I got into UA!" You exclaimed.

"Oh! That's great, (Y/N)!" Nejire said. "I'm so happy for you!"

On your first day, you and Nejire met two other students. Mirio Togata, and Tamaki Amajiki.

They were a great team together, and you were just sorta... there.

And then, you met someone. You thought you loved them, but as you can tell, since it's you of all people, things ended badly for you. Yeah, turns out your partner was pretty, well, abusive.

And your friends soon had questions.

"(Y/N)... um... a-are you ok...?" Tamaki asked you. You forced out a smile, and gave him a thumbs up.

That, of course, only made him more suspicious of you.

"N-Nejire... Mirio... um, I was just wondering... could you, I don't know, spy on (Y/N), o-or something...?"

"Oh? Why?" Mirio asked.

"I'm... worried for her." Tamaki said. "E-ever since she got with that guy, she's been acting differently..."

 "I agree, I'm worried for (Y/N) too." Nejire added. "She hasn't been picking up my calls, which I completely understand, (Y/N)'s not too social, but she picks up some times, and now, she just... won't."

"And she gets worried whenever I raise my hands around her." Mirio continued.

They all agreed, they should do something.

Nejire was the person who found out what was going on, she saw you get hit by your partner.

"Mirio, it was what you thought."

"Oh, so you finally agree mint chocolate chip is the best kind of ice cream?"

"No not that." Nejire said, slightly annoyed. "Strawberry is objectively better. Anyways, you were right about (Y/N)."

"Oh... oh no."

"Meet at Tamaki 's place in five minutes?"

"Got it!"

"H-huh? Nejire? Mirio? What are... w-why are you here?" Tamai asked, opening his door.

They forgot to tell Tamaki about their plans of meeting at his house.

A week later, you got a text from your partner, asking you to meet at his house.

You didn't want to, but you came over.

When you opened the door... the house was empty.

You walked up the stairs, and entered a room, and there you saw...

Nejire, Tamaki, and Mirio, standing around your partner's mutilated corpse.

"Hi (Y/N)!!" Nejire exclaimed, waving at you excitedly.

"What... w-what happened here...?" You slowly asked.

"W-we... um... we kill- er-  we k-k-killed..." Tamaki tried explaining, but nervously turned around to face the wall. "Nevermind... Mirio, y-you say it."

"We killed this guy for you."

"And if anyone else hurts you..."

"We'll, uh..... w-we'll kill them too."

"Don't hesitate to tell us! We'll kill them in a super brutal way for you, (Y/N)~!"

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