☆~Katsuki Bakugou~☆

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This is platonic, with Bakugou kinda thinking of you more as a little sister rather than a love interest. Anyways enjoy!!

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | I'll keep us safe | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

Several years ago, something appeared in the sky.

It lit up the Earth like the sun, in the middle of the night.

And from the light, they descended.

The Harvesters...

Most of Humanity has been harvested by them.

And harvested is just a fancy word for eaten.

You know for a fact that you'll be harvested tonight.

They've found out where you are, so now, there's nothing you can do.

You can't hide from the Harvesters anymore, so you just won't. The moment you open the front door, your life will be over.

To whoever's reading this, if anyone, hi.
My name is (Y/N) Shinsou, a normal sixteen year old girl.
I don't know why I'm writing this... I know that nobody will read this, and if anyone does, they probably won't care.
This is just the story of my sad life.
I was born seven years before the Harvest began, and three years after my older brother, Hitoshi.
When the Harvesters arrived, the two of us ran away together, hiding in various places, making sure we would never be caught.
Then one day, when I was twelve, Hitoshi was caught and harvested.
I watched his insides be pulled from his body, and then I ran away. I ran as far as I could, never looking back once.
I regretted every second of that choice. I didn't try to save him.
Maybe this fate of mine is a punishment for not evenn attempting to save my brother.
What exactly is my fate?
Well, if you're reading this, then you know exactly what it is.
I'm going to be harvested soon.
I'd like it if I could have my favourite food before my death, but I never personally learned how to make it... so I can't.
Even if I did, there wouldn't be enough time to make it, lord knows how impatient the Harvesters are...
There's nothing I can do now.

You let go of your pen, letting it fall to the floor.

You headed to the front door.

Then, you opened the door preparing to let yourself die.

"Were you really just gonna let yourself die like that?"

Instead of a Harvester, you saw a man with blonde hair, red eyes, and a machine gun.

"W-who are you?" You asked. "Why did you kill the Harvester? I was ready to die!"

"I'm the one who's gonna single-handedly save the human race." He proudly said. "My name's Katsuki Bakugou, got it?"

"Single-handedly save the human race?" You asked. "Seems a bit hard for just one person."

"...yeah, whatever." He said, as if someone had said that exact phrase to him before. "Get in the car, I'll take you to the city."

"The city?"

"Yeah, it's supposed to be a city... there are big walls surrounding it... it's safe, and stuff..." he explained. "Right now, it's just me living there, but...more people will come soon, I'm sure."

"Well, now that you've saved me, I guess I won't be dying any time soon, will I?" You asked, smiling sweetly. "I'll come see your city! Seems better than the shack I was hiding out in before..."

 The drive was long and silent, with Bakugou stopping the car to shoot some Harvesters every now and again.

"Hey, what's your name?" Bakugou asked.

"It's (Y/N) Shinsou." You told him.

"Oh, Shinsou?" He asked. "Would you happen to have a brother named Hitoshi?"

"Yeah, I did, actually-"

"KNEW IT!" Bakugou yelled, proud of himself. "How's he been doing? Him and I went to school together before the Harvest began, so I haven't seen him in a while..."

"...Hitoshi's dead." You sadly said.

"Oh. Right. Should've guessed." Bakugou said, trying not to show any emotion in his voice.

Eventually, the two of you arrived at the city.

After entering the city, you found out it was an actual town, with stores, and everything!

You two got out of the car, and you walked around the city, remembering your childhood fondly.

That warm Summer day when Hitoshi bought you ice cream... that was the last normal day you two had.

You sat down on a bench, to give yourself a moment to calm down after you started thinking about your life before the Harvest began.

"Hey, (Y/N), how long have you been alone?" Bakugou asked you.

"Four years..." you said, turning your face away from him, not wanting him to see you cry.

"And I assume you were traveling with your brother before he was harvested, right...?" He asked, sitting down on the bench beside you.


"Hitoshi was the same age as me, so... you were twelve when he died..." Bakugou said. "I've been alone since I was about that age, I know how horrible it is to be so young and have no one to comfort you, to be completely alone in this Hell..."

Bakugou wrapped his arms around you.

"We aren't alone anymore." He said. "I'll keep you safe, understand? You won't have to be scared anymore..."

"That's a lie!" You yelled out, tears falling down your face. "W-we'll both just end up being harvested, and die like everybody else..."

"You think the Harvesters are strong enough to kill me?" He asked. "Unless they have guns and explosives, they won't lay a fucking finger on either of us."

"Do you p-promise?" You sadly asked.

"Of course I do. Until the Harvest is over, I promise I'll protect you."

"I'll do everything in my power to keep us safe."

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