☆~Shouto Todoroki~☆

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Snooze time, ver tired :)

For this, I kinda just went along with what my  tired brain thought would be good, so if it's not good.... that would  be why.

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Enternity | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

You like exploring old things.

The gigantic skeletons that litter the world...

The strange temples that give clues to what happened so long ago...

And caverns.

Large empty spaces, lonely and cold.

And in one of those caverns, you made one of the strangest discoveries, almost ever.

"Come on!" You said. "You just have to see what I found!"

"Ugh... but it's so early...." Your friend moaned. "Can't you just let me sleep...?"

"NO!" You yelled. "This is kinda fucking important!"

"...Fine... what should I bring....?"

"Some warm clothes, maybe a torch?"

Your friend sighed, and entered his room  again, to get ready for whatever you're about to show him.

As you two made your way to the icy cavern you found earlier, your friend had some questions.

"So... what'd you find, (Y/N)?" Hitoshi asked.

"Uh... well... it's kinda hard to explain... but I may have found someone frozen in the ice."

"You what."

"Yeah! Weird...!" You awkwardly laughed

"No, (Y/N), I want an answer."

"Well, I don't have one."

You two eventually came across the person you'd seen earlier.

He had a determined expression, one of his arms was stretched out to the side, his other arm in front of him, as if he were commanding something.

"Wow." Hitoshi said, looking at it. "So.... what are we gonna do with this?"

"I say..." you began. "We break him out of the ice, and keep him secret! But if people find out, we should take some pictures of him in the ice ahead of time."

"That sounds... like it can only turn out badly."

Despite that, you two went through with it.

"Hitoshi, you're so much stronger than me..." you groaned. "Why aren't you carrying him?"

"'Cause it was your idea to break him out. I think it's only appropriate for you to be the one to carry him."

When you two got back to the house, you placed this person in the guest room.

"So, (Y/N)... what do you think'll happen?" Hitoshi asked you.

"Honestly, I think he's dead." You explained. "I'm hoping to get some blood samples, then I'll probably return him to that ice cave."

"Why'd you need to take him out of the cave, then?"

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