♤~Katsuki Bakugou~♤

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Hey so like... it's Kiri's birthday today, and I basically stayed up all night looking at kiribaku stuff cause I couldn't sleep so........ enjoy this

I was originally gonna use the Fantasy AU for this, but then I remembered about the Steampunk AU (see above image) and thought, "Hey, why not?"

Also, as a disclaimer, this chapter will be written in first person rather than the usual third person. Why? Well, for this specific chapter, I thought first person would work better.

(For this, I just went along with what I thought was good.)
(Sorry if the ending's disappointing, it's 11pm where I live, and I am very tired.)

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Freak | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

I can't breathe.

All I can see is red.

I can hear someone yelling out my name, but... I can't tell who.

We were on a mission... it was Kaminari, Ashido, Sero, Shinsou, Bakugou and I against a group of Villains...

But it... escalated from there, more so than we expected... some Pro Heroes needed to be called, but there's no way they'd get here in time.

Bakugou was going to die.


I didn't  know what I was doing, I honestly thought I had froze. It felt like I couldn't move, but I guess I had ran in and pushed him out of the way, without care for my own life.

That's why I can't breathe.

There's a giant spike through my throat.

I'm choking to death on my own blood.

It honestly feels like I'm drowning...

Maybe I am.

Maybe all of this is a dream, and I'm actually drowning in the deep, dark blue ocean...

That would be nice, or at least, as nice as literally drowning and suffocating to death can be.

Even if I died, that'd be beautiful...

I don't hear anyone screaming my name anymore.

I hear something else instead.

"Father, father look! There's a boy in the water!"

Something lifts me out of the water and into the air... a net, I think.

I'm dropped onto a wooden floor, immediately bringing me to full consciousness.

I start coughing up water, as if I really had been drowning.

"Um, hey, are you alright...?" Someone asked me once I finished choking. 

I look to see who asked me, and...

To my surprise, I saw a kid that looked like Todoroki.

"Can you speak?" He asked. "What's your name?"

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