☆~Mirio Togata~☆

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Also yes this is yet another platonic one :3
I hope you enjoy!

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Important job | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

One day, a little girl named (Y/N) Sasaki was born.

Graced with the ability to see into the future, she used it to her advantage everyday.

She'd find out test answers, find out what presents she would get on her birthday, and she'd sometimes help people avoid injuries.

One day, she looked too far.

And she was never the same again.

"(Y/N), today, you're coming to work with me today." Your father told you one morning.

"...ok." You dryly said.

Ever since the day you looked too far, you had become like a shell of your former self.

You knew that nothing you do would matter in the end.

The world will end in your lifetime. Everyone you love and care for will die horribly gruesome deaths, and you can do nothing to stop it.

You saw your father's death, he'll die on a mission, and you can't do anything to stop that either.

You know that you can't do anything.

You decided that, maybe if you stop feeling things... then, maybe, your heart won't hurt as badly.

You sat in your father's office, drawing on blank pieces of paper your father gave you.

Eventually, the door to the office opened, and you saw a tall strong boy with blonde hair.

"Good morning, Sir!" He happily said, shining as bright as the sun itself. "Oh? Who's this little girl?"

"Ah, Mirio, good morning to you too." Your father stood up from his desk, and grabbed your hand, leading you over to his work study student. "This is my daughter, (Y/N). And (Y/N), this is Mirio Togata, he's a very nice person, and very funny too. I'm sure you will enjoy his company."

Mirio bent down so he was at your level, and sweetly smiled at you.

"(Y/N), huh? What a sweet name!" He told you. "How old are you, (Y/N)?"

"...ten." You quietly said.

"Now, Mirio, I have a very important job for you." Your father said.

"What is it, Sir?" Mirio asked, standing back up.

"I need you to cheer up (Y/N)."

"Cheer her up?" Mirio asked. "I don't mean to sound insensitive, but how is that important?"

"Much like my Foresight, (Y/N)'s Quirk also allows her to see into the future. But her power is much stronger than mine, and it isn't limited to seeing the future of a single person... and one day she started acting like this. I don't know for sure, as she hasn't told me, but I believe she may have looked too far." Your father explained. "I can't bare to see her like this, never smiling or laughing... I want you to help her, Mirio."

"...I understand." Mirio said, looking down at you sadly. "I'll do my best to help her, Sir!"

Almost everyday, Mirio would come to your house after school/work.

He would play with you, draw with you, and talk to you... he did all he could to try to make you smile.

And one day, it worked.

One day, you finally smiled for Mirio.

And it wasn't fake, you weren't just trying to make him go away, no... this was genuine.

You felt happy for the first time in years.

Mirio made his way somewhere after leaving your house.

"Hey Sir, I finished that important job you wanted me to do... she finally smiled today." Mirio said, placing the flowers on the ground.

"If only you could've seen it..."

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