♤~Ms. Joke~♤

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First day of school moment

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Marry Me! | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

Don't you hate it when you wake up late for something really important? That feeling is even worse when you're a teacher.

What's even worse is when you sleep in, are late to teach a class, and then find a note on your side table revealing that your students are being held hostage.

On one hand, it's a good thing because that means you aren't late to teach your class. On the other hand though, your students are being held hostage.

So it's like a win/lose situation.

That was the exact situation Shota Aizawa was in right now.

He quickly made his way over to the location.

When he arrived, he was greeted by someone he knew semi-well.

A green haired woman, who was constantly proposing to him; Emi Fukukado. Otherwise known as the Smile Hero, Ms. Joke.

She was wearing a wedding dress, and holding a gun. Behind her were his students, all constrained in various ways.

"What the hell-"

"Shota! Glad you could make it!" She said, enthusiasticly as ever. "Now that you're here, will you marry me?"

"No. Now tell me what's happening here."

"Oh, well it's simple, honestly." She said. "I have your students here, and I'll kill them if you don't marry me!"

"Oh, and I've taken every precaution to make sure they can't fight me!" Ms. Joke informed Aizawa. "For Uraraka and Bakugou, I covered their hands similarly to how you constrained him during the Sports Festival. I also ended up giving Bakugou a muzzle because he fucking bit me."

"I'm somehow not surprised."

"Speaking of muzzles, I also gave those to Koda and Shinsou so they couldn't speak... Todoroki, I didn't exactly know how to prevent him from using his quirk, so I just gave him a shit ton of sleep meds, and he probably won't wake up for a while... as a warning to the other students, I cut off Jirou's earlobes and Asui's tongue... I got Kaminari hopped up on quirk enhancers, and now if he makes even the slightest bit of electricity, he'll immediately go over his limit... Iida and Midoriya are preoccupied in another room... Kirishima's been chained down, and I don't think his hardening can help with that... Ashido was shot, and is bleeding out, as you can see... and the rest are dead."

"Dead? No, you're lying."

"I'm not! Now Shota, you don't want any more of your students to die, do you?" She asked, mockingly. "If so... marry me!"


"No?" She smiled, and pointed her gun at the still unconscious Todoroki. "Ok then."

Then, she shot him in the head.

"Every time you say no, I'll shoot another one!"

"Ok, fine." Aizawa said. "I'll do it. I'll marry you."

"Yaaaaaaay!" She happily yelled. "Ok, ok... so I know you already kinda have a father-son relationship with Shinsou, so I'll keep him alive and he can  be our son, but the rest... well, I can't have anyone saying anything."

And then, the rest of the students were killed.

"Ok, so we'll get married tomorrow! I already have the venue booked, and the cake, and everything, it's all ready for us!"

One student wasn't killed, because Ms. Joke didn't even know she existed.

Is there still hope...?

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